Thursday, August 27, 2020
Rameshwaram,Tamilnadu Rameswaram town in Ramanathapuram area in the Indian province of Tamil Nadu is popular as Rameshwaram all through the world.The heavenly island of Rameswaram called as ?Benaras of the South? is the main spot revered by both Saivites and Vaishnavites as it is India?s most adored and most visited Shiva sanctuaries and is likewise connected with the life of Lord Rama, the saint of the epic Ramayana. It is situated on an island isolated from territory India by the Pamban channel. Kashi and Rameshwaram together are probably the holiest spot in India to Hindus and part of the Char Dham pilgrimages.The Rameshwaram island is spread over 61.8 square kilometers and has state of a conch. Rameswaram is one of the 12 Jyothirlingas of India andâ considered one among four most sacrosanct pioneer places of India specifically Rameswaram in the South, Badrinath in the North, Puri in the East and Dwaraka in the West. Among these, Rameswaram is committed to Shiva, while the other three are devoted to ruler Vishnu.The Ramanatha Swamy Temple is the fundamental sanctuary of Rameshwaram and is wonderfully constructed.It can be considered as the showstopper of Dravidian architecture.The sanctuary has twenty-two wells and shockingly the flavor of the water of each well is unique and wells are accepted to have therapeutic properties.Dr. Abdul Kalam,Ex-leader of India,belongs to a little village,Dhanushkodi arranged on the island.Legends says Lord Rama fabricated an extension Ram Setu over the ocean at this spot to reach Lanka to save godess Sita andâ additionally loved Lord Shiva afterâ slaughtering Ravana, who was the best admirer of Lord Shiva and furthermore honored by ruler shiva.According to the Puranas master Rama alongside Sita and Lakshmana introduced and revered the Sivalinga here to dodge sins of murdering Ravana,a brahmin.Sethu Karai is 22 km before the island of Rameswaram where ruler Rama is believedâ to have constructed a Floating Stone Bridge Ramasethu till Rameswa ram that further proceeded from Dhanushkodi in Rameswaram till Talaimannar in Sri Lanka.Rameswaram is an acclaimed Parihara Sthala, where it is accepted all transgressions get exculpated. Enthusiasts take blessed plunges at Sethu Theertha, Agni Theertha and other sacrosanct waters, offer pujas to get offspring, perform Shraadha for their precursors. Spots to visit- Sri Ramanathaswamy Temple- This sanctuary is straightforwardly identified with master Rama and accepted to be the must visit place for hindus on the off chance that one needs to accomplish nirvana from the pattern of birth and death.There are seven such places in India where one might want to offer supplications for accomplishing salvation throughout everyday life and Rameshwaram sanctuary is one of those.The sanctuary has the longest passage in entire of India. This spot has incredible essentialness as it is accepted that Whole Ramayan was imagined in this spot. Gandhamadhana Parvatham- Gandhamadhana is generally famous and venerated in the southern India having Lord ramas feet engraved on the chakra put in the temple.Gandhamadhana is the god of a few networks in southern India. It is a sacred spot crowded by aficionados from all pieces of India.It has Rama tirtham developed on the Gandamadhana Parvata subsequently th it is called Gandamadana.It is close Dhanushkodi,where Rama met Vibhishana and has its own verifiable significance. Agnitheertham- It is one of the 12 jyotirlings of India and is one of the holiest spot to visit.It has an enormous lakeâ whose water is viewed as heavenly and individuals accepts that scrubbing down in the spot washes away their wrongdoings and one accomplishes salvation.It has 22 wells having waters of various taste. It is one visit place. Badrakaliamman Temple- It is the biggest sanctuary of Ma Kali in southern India who is the blessed mother for devottes in southern India.The sculpture of Maa kali is of unadulterated gold andâ sanctuary has distinctive artful culminations of various ages. Annai Indira Gandhi Road Bridge- It is the longest scaffold in southern India associating Rameswaram Island to the principle land.It is additionally called the Pambam Bridge as it is situated next to Pamban, the sacrosanct spot where Rama could extinguish the thirst of Sita by tossing a bolt in where they could really recover cool water.It is 7kms long.â Different sanctuaries There are various other sanctuary having strict just as recorded centrality. Villondi tirtham is one of those sanctuaries situated on a spot where master Rama covered his bow as villondi implies a covered bow.It is around 7 kms from primary Rameshwar sanctuary and is viewed as a holy spot by a large portion of the followers.It has aâ spot where drinking water is accessible amidst salty ocean. Dhanushkodi Temple is other fundamental sanctuary on the southern tip of India situated close to the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean on the opposite side. The oceans are looking like bow and bolt when seen from the top.Lord Rama has his devout feet even in this sanctuary and entire story of Ramayana spins here also. Five faceted Hanuman sanctuary is different well known temple.The sculptures of ruler Rama, Laxman, Sita and Hanuman are put in the temple.The sanctuary has a coasting stone which was accepted to be utilized to bulid the scaffold on the sea.Nambu Nayagiamman Temple is other worth vi siting sanctuary The most effective method to reach- Via Air- Closest air terminal isâ Madurai,163 km from Rameshwaram and has great street association with it. Via Train- The railroad associates Rameshwaram to places likeâ Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy and Thanjavurâ and 2 km long Indira Gandhi Bridge interfaces the island of Rameshwaram with the territory of Mandapam. By Road- Rameshwaram is very much associated by roadsâ to all the significant urban communities close by, Kanyakumari, Trichy, Pondicherry, Tanjore and Chennai.â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
3 Erroneous Uses of Scare Quotes
3 Erroneous Uses of Scare Quotes 3 Erroneous Uses of Scare Quotes 3 Erroneous Uses of Scare Quotes By Mark Nichol Rules are made to be broken, however more regularly they are made to be kept, in light of the fact that infringement of those principles, recorded as a hard copy as in some other human undertaking, frequently prompts unintended outcomes. One case is the thoughtless utilization of quotes for accentuation. Alarm cites, as quotes utilized for this object are called, are regularly used to get out nonstandard or uncommon terms, or simply to present a word or expression. In any case, despite the fact that this methodology used to be normal, alarm cites have taken on another job that has to a great extent, in any event among cautious journalists, displaced the old strategy: Now, they are better utilized to pass on disparagement, incongruity, or suspicion. For instance, an author who depicts how â€Å"the establishment offers workshops in ‘self-mindfulness therapy’†is generally assumed not to be tenderly setting up the peruser for the presence of a new expression; almost certain, they are pointing out what they feel is vitally New Age-y phrasing. In the interim, the announcement â€Å"The Pentagon’s system of ‘pacification’ surely made things calmer in the neighborhood†remarks on the shifty military code word, while â€Å"The ‘new’ model strikes me as less advanced than the old one†points out an unjustified modifier. Here are three kinds of pointless utilization of alarm cites: 1. The cosmologists revealed Tuesday that they had consolidated in excess of 6,000 perceptions from three telescopes to recognize the arrangement of exoplanets. Exoplanets is a term that has as of late entered the general jargon, yet neologism isn't a basis for utilization of alarm cites; basically present the word, characterize it, and proceed onward: â€Å"The space experts announced Tuesday that they had consolidated in excess of 6,000 perceptions from three telescopes to distinguish the arrangement of exoplanets.†(In the article from which this sentence is taken, a meaning of exoplanet follows the announcement.) 2. They occupied with listening activities and melodic investigation in order to more readily comprehend the melodic DNA of their main tunes. On the off chance that you utilize a set up term in a new however undifferentiated from sense, trust perusers to make the association; don’t section the term in alarm cites: â€Å"They occupied with listening activities and melodic investigation to more readily comprehend the melodic DNA of their most loved songs.†3. Purported â€Å"notification laws†expect organizations to tell clients when certain decoded client information is inappropriately gotten to. Never utilize alarm cites around a term presented by the expression alleged. Indeed, you might need to motion toward perusers your disappointment with the term, yet purported plays out that work, so alarm cites are repetitive: â€Å"So-called warning laws expect organizations to advise clients when certain decoded client information is inappropriately accessed.†Need to improve your English quickly a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Punctuation classification, check our famous posts, or pick a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should Know20 Pairs of One-Word and Two-Word FormsNarrative, Plot, and Story
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Writing on a Topic - Get Your Point Across
Essay Writing on a Topic - Get Your Point AcrossYou are probably aware that essay writing on a topic is a complex task. You have to look at many different aspects of the topic such as the importance of the theme, the story behind the theme, and the actual theme itself. However, this is one of the most important aspects of essay writing on a topic. It is the point in which you should present your own viewpoint on the topic.In the past, people used to explain their own point of view, or as a form of explanation of the theme. Nowadays, essay writing on a topic is more about stating and describing your own point of view in such a way that it helps you persuade others. One of the best examples of this can be seen in the popular TV series like 'Seinfeld'.Essay writing on a topic is not a piece of cake. There are several steps that you have to follow. The first step would be writing the introduction. The introduction should be very clear about what your main point of view is, and why you fe el that way.Next would be writing the body. Writing the body is where you would give a detailed description of your own point of view. This is your place to talk about the story behind the theme. It is also where you can show your understanding of the topic.Writing an essay on a topic is very similar to writing an essay for a test. You have to fill up the spaces and look for the mistakes that will cause your essay to fail. For example, if your essays has too much filler, then that will just be a big obstacle for you. You also have to make sure that the sentences and paragraphs that you have written are well-written and easy to understand.Writing essays is not that easy. Youhave to know how to be organized and well-organized. If you do not know how to organize your thoughts, then your essay will not be able to present the theme well. You will also have to look at grammar and spellings so that you will be able to tell the difference between something that is correct and something that is incorrect.Finally, you will need to have lots of patience. It will be very frustrating when you fail because you cannot find the mistakes in your essay. So, do not be discouraged by this. Most of the time, essays that get rejected would have several points where the writer cannot pinpoint a mistake. It takes time for this to happen, and you have to be patient with it.Remember that essay writing on a topic can be very confusing, so it is necessary that you know how to organize yourself and with what you will write. It is also a must that you have enough patience and hard work in order to succeed.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Oil Spills And Its Impact On The Environment - 2445 Words
Oil Spills, their impact on the environment, and the great loss of human and marine life are a severe problem for the oil industry, one which needs to be prevented in the future. Oil production and transportation at sea has grown to inconceivable levels. Increasingly, as a society, we are having larger and more numerous oil spills which in turn cause an increase in danger for marine life and human life, even though laws and regulations regarding the extraction and transfer of oil are becoming increasingly complex and thorough. Oil has is the lifeblood of our economy and has a long history as a source of heat and light, and more recently it is the main source of fuel that is used in transportation, and thus it maintains its presence as the lifeblood of our economy. The sheer quantity of oil now being transported by sea has increased in volume by huge factors, and the size of the rigs tankers used to extract and transport the oil has seen steady increases, which gives the possibility of larger environmental disasters due to spillage by accident or due to operations. Due to increasing population and booming economies, and despite the increasing demand of green energy, the world still sees a need for increasing demand in oil supplies. Only very recently has it begun to slow down in some parts of the world that have traditionally been major consumers of oil. The US National Research Council (2003) has released some stats on how much oil consumption has increased since 1970:Show MoreRelatedMarine Oil Spills En vironment Impact3409 Words  | 14 Pages13th National Plan Environment and Scientific Coordinators Workshop 2004 The Environmental Impact Of Marine Oil Spills Effects, Recovery and Compensation Dr. Brian Dicks Technical Team Manager, International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd Paper presented at the International Seminar on Tanker Safety, Pollution Prevention, Spill Response and Compensation, 6th November 1998, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil INTRODUCTION The short-term effects of oil spills on marine species and communities are wellRead More Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Environment1549 Words  | 7 PagesThe Deepwater Horizon spill occurred on 20 April 2010 and was caused by an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig that killed 11 workers and injured 17 more. The drilling rig, located 66 kilometers southeast of the Louisiana coast, left an oil gusher that was finally capped on July 15, almost 2 months later. This was the largest accidental marine oil spill in history and the largest offshore environmental disaster in the United States (Telegraph, New York Times, BBC News). It is estimatedRead More Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on USA’s Environment and Economy1919 Words  | 8 PagesDepleting reserves, high oil prices and spectacular offshore discoveries concentrated a global attention to deep water (National Geographic, p.3). Joel and Bourne (2010) claim â€Å"the Gu lf of Mexico now accounts for 30 percent of U.S. production, with half of that coming from deep water (1,000 to 4,999 feet)†. The U.S. government roughly calculated that the deep Gulf might contain 45 billion barrels of oil (NG, p.44). Hence, this fact gave new reasons for oil companies to drill oil wells in that regionRead MoreImpact Of The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill During The Gulf Of Mexico On The Local Environment1501 Words  | 7 PagesCASE STUDY IMPACT OF THE DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL IN THE GULF OF MEXICO ON THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION The Gulf of Mexico covers an area of 600,000 square miles and is located between Mexico, Cuba and the United States (Tunell, 2011). Home to 15,419 recorded marine species; the Gulf of Mexico boasts a dynamic ecosystem, which includes 1511 endemic species. The position of the gulf between temperate and tropical waters provides one of the reasons for its vast biodiversity (Campagna et alRead MoreEffects Of Oil Pollution On The Environment1739 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Oil pollution is one of the most significant form of the damage to the marine environment, and it is a serious global issue. It can bring huge bad effects to the environment, marine lives and even the human being. It happens during the process of oil exploitation, transportation, handling, processing and use, due to leakage and emissions of oil caused by pollution, mainly in the ocean (Zhao, 2010). While the oil floats on the sea surface, it can spread and form oil film rapidly, andRead MoreHuman Induced Environmental Impact On The Environment1191 Words  | 5 Pages1. Describe a human-induced environmental impact and how knowledge of ecosystem ecology could be used to mitigate this impact. In your answer, pay particular attention to the spatial and temporal nature of the impact and how this has affected ecosystem structure and function. There are many factors that can cause harm to the environment. Some of these impacts on the environment may be caused by natural factors for example, fires, floods, hurricanes, tornados, etc. Unfortunately, there are manyRead MoreHuman Health Risks And Socio Economic Problems Associated With Petroleum Exploration And Production Activities Essay1315 Words  | 6 Pages2.2.4 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, HUMAN HEALTH RISKS AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES Petroleum E P Activities are characterized by all forms of environmental impacts at different levels of its operations ranging from exploration, development and production, transportation and distribution, marketing, decommissioning and rehabilitation. At the exploration phase, there are the disturbances of forest and ground surface from related activitiesRead MoreOil Spill Response And Cleanups Help The Economy1166 Words  | 5 PagesWhile oil spill response and cleanups help the economy by creating jobs, oil companies should take better precautions to make sure oil spills do not happen. Oil spills can be dangerous to not only the environment but also to animals and people as well. Another major effect of oil spills are that they are highly expensive, costing up to billions of dollars, estimated, to clean up. While oil companies try their best to prevent these tragedies from happening, there are multiple things they could doRead MoreTo What Extent Are the Environmental Impacts o f the Global Increase in Demand for Oil Acceptable?1736 Words  | 7 Pagesthe environmental impacts of the global increase in demand for oil acceptable? [15 marks] After the industrial revolution, the demand for oil has been increasing globally. Over 100 million tonnes of oil are transported around the world on average a day. There are countries like the US which consume almost one quarter of global oil output, which must be supplied from oil reserves, usually from countries like Saudi Arabia (Guinness, 2011, p. 245). This shows that the topic of oil consumption is a globalRead MoreStrategic Management : The Oil And Gas Industry1638 Words  | 7 Pages It is evident that one of the most important industries in the world is the oil and gas industry. This industry has a major impact on everyone’s lives by providing services such as transportation, heating, electricity fuels, blacktop, lubricants, and propane. The oil and gas industry also has an influence on national security, elections, geo politics, and international conflicts (Inkpen and Moffett). The prices of oil and gas are the most closely watched prices in the global economy (Inkpen and
Friday, May 15, 2020
List Of Dfis Not Under The Dfi Act Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 17 Words: 5017 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF) was established on 30 March 1960 and has become the first and the only development finance institution (DFI) listed on Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. MIDF was the company that established with the main purpose to promote the development of the manufacturing industry in Malaysia by provides the medium and long-term loans for SMEs. The provisions include financing to SMEs to purchase new fixed assets for new industrial venture as well as to provide capital for enterprises to undertaking expansion, modernization or relocation their businesses. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "List Of Dfis Not Under The Dfi Act Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Apart from this, Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF) as a private sector financial institution have a poverty of personnel who are experienced and knowledgeable in the financing for start-up companies and operations of manufacturing businesses in the country. Thus, Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF) had combining their strength with valuable experience and expertise to become a leading institution in providing fixed assets financing to manufacturers in Malaysia. Recent years, MIDF has enjoyed the advantages of being one of the Development Finance Institution (DFIs) designated by the Government to manage and disburse capital under various special loan schemes. Development In 30 March 1960, Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF) was incorporate and the main purpose establish MIDF was to ensuring access to financing for manufacturing-based small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) as a part of Malaysias strategy to stimulate the development of industrial sector. In recent years, MIDF has transformed into a diversified group to promote as Malaysias maiden development finance institution. Recently, the MIDFs had formed an investment bank called MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Berhad which integration with Amanah Short Deposits Berhad, Malaysia Discount Berhad, MIDF Sisma Securities Sdn. Bhd. and the former Utama Merchant Bank Berhad. Besides that, MIDFs also create a Development Finance Division to provide medium and long-term conventional and Shariah-based financing for new project as well as modernization, expansion, and relocation program in the manufacturing-based small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. Between the years of 2003 till 2009, MIDFs had merger with Amanah Capital Partner Berhad, the acquisition of Utama Merchant Bank Berhad (UMBB), and the establishment of MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Berhad (MIDF Investment). MIDF Group accentuated its ambition to become a leading financial service s provider in three core business areas, which are investment banking, asset management and development finance. Organization structure/ overview Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF) is an investment holding company that provides financial service, leasing, and industrial hire purchase service to manufacturing-based small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs). The ownership of MIDF was owned by government (0.26%), foreign investor (6.86%) and public (92.88%). The Managing Director of MIDF was MR. Mohd Najib Abdullah., figure below is the key executives in MIDF: Mr.Mohd Najib Abdullah Managing Director Mr.Wahid Bin Ramli Chief Executive Officer of Amanah Property Trust Managers Berhad Mr. Allen Nicomedes Lopez Chief Financial Officer Mr. Abdul Aziz Mustafa Chief Operating Officer Mr. Md. Rahim Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Discounts Berhad. Figure 1: Key Executive of MIDF Besides that, MIDF is a large company which had more than 1100 employee in whole Malaysia and the company operates in four departments, which are Investment Banking, Development Finance, Asset Management, and Industrial Property. The first division in MIDF is Investment Banking division which in charge to provides financial advisory, underwriting of equities and debt instruments, treasury activities, and equity-broking services. The second division is Development Finance division which is responsible to provides medium and long-term financing for new projects, expansion, modernization, and relocation programs. Besides that, it also provides financing fund to manufacturing, manufacturing-related services, infrastructure and utilities, and tourism sectors in Malaysia. However, the third division is Asset Management division which provides investment management services, as well as engages in venture capital activities and invests in companies that require fund for expansion and growth. And the last division is Industrial Property division which helping to develops industrial estates for sale and rental to industries and businesses in Malaysia. It also provides other service such as logistics and warehousing services, as well as engages in the construction of residential properties. Figure 2 had show the MIDF group corporate structure (Notes: The below structure does not include dormant companies and companies which are currently under volunteer winding-up process.). Figure 2: MIDF Group Corporate Structure Vision and Mission/ Objective and goal The mission of Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF) is to help clients/customers to prosper and support nation economic growth by providing diversity superior products and service in investment banking, development finance, asset management and industrial property The vision of MIDF is to be reputable and preferred integrated financial services provider by creating superior value for the stakeholder. Besides that, MIDF will be continuously progressive and innovative in utilizing strong expertise in capital market to strive for opportunities that strengthen competitive position. Apart from this, the core value of MIDF was integrity, commitment and excellence. The value of integrity means to pursue the highest standard of social and ethical conduct in all our dealings with the clients, shareholders, employees and the public. The second value is commitment which is define as to have dedication and zeal to complete and s ucceed all tasks and always strives to achieve excellence in providing superior services to our clients. And the third value is excellence to deliver superior standard of services with requisite knowledge and expertise. In additions, the objective of Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF) can be dividing into 3 parts, which are human capital development, image branding and community. Firstly, the Human Capital development is to assist and realize the national agenda in developing human capital especially in the field of Development Finance. Besides, MIDS will offer revising workplace incorporating equal opportunities for employments, career advancement and work life balance. Second part is Image Branding part which enhances MIDF reputation and brand not merely in the best service commitment within the business but also amongst the communities and employees as socially responsible corporate organization, partnering the Government in all effort toward nation build ing. Lastly, the objective of Community is to create awareness on nature resource and environment conservation. MIDF also embraces corporate governance and poises ethical business policy which outlines the companys position on socially responsible in investing and financing area. Activity Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad was involved investment banking, asset management, development finance and other business such as Venture Capital, Serviced Residency, Issuing House and Share Registrar and Money Broking. In investment banking sector, the MIDF was involved in Debt Capital Market, Corporate Finance, Treasury and Equity Market. The Debt Capital Market offers advisory services to prospective issuers including and arranging debt securities. The Debt Capital Market team has to date brought many deals to the market, underscoring their ability to implement transactions successfully. MIDF Debt Capital Market team provide optimum financial solutions to help clients to structure difference type of debt as they undertake the promoting, managing, arranging, underwriting and dealing with Private Debt Securities, Islamic Securities, Asset Backed Securities and Underwriting. However in Equity Market, MIDFs stock broking services allow company, institutional, corporate and retail clients to choose the exactly way to invest in the equity markets to best suit clients individual requirements. The service include Stock Shares Trading, Share placements, Underwriting of Stocks Shares, Share margin financing, Market research performance analysis, Authorized Depository Agent and Custody nominee services. The MIDF offers a wide range for clients to invest in Conventional Treasury and Islamic Treasury, including mutual funds, insurance companies, pension funds, corporations, government agencies and domestic interbank parties. MIDF offers ideas and advice as well as trade on a diverse range of Conventional and Islamic money market and capital market fin ancial instruments. However the MIDFs Corporate Finance Department provides advisory services in the areas of Mergers and Acquisitions, Initial Public Offerings on the main board, second board and Mesdaq Market of the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, Establishment of Real Estate Investment Trust, capital rising from primary and secondary equity and equity-linked offering and other related advisory services. In asset management sector, MIDF provides discretionary and non- discretionary mandates to corporate, institutional and individual clients. The main objective is to achieve the optimum total returns on the customers assets and commensurate with the degree of risk specified as acceptable by the clients. On the other hands, MIDFs Development Finance Division provides medium and long-term conventional and Shariah-based financing for new projects for expansion, modernization and relocation program in the manufacturing, manufacturing-related services and services sector in Mala ysia. MIDF is designated by the Government of Malaysia which focuses on small and medium enterprises to process application for financing under soft loan scheme. Below are the soft loan schemes. Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) History The Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) is the sole provider of guarantee and ancillary service to help Small and Medium (SMEs) with no collateral to gets loans from financial institutions. In 1972, CGC was established on 5 July in and is based in Petaling Jaya. CGC was founded under the Companies Act 1965 and it ownership belongs to Bank Negara Malaysia (76.4%) and commercial bank (23.6%). In the beginning, CGC was focused on assist small enterprises in the agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors. In 1973, CGS was introduced the Credit Guarantee Corporation Guarantee Scheme (small loans), credits facilities eligible for guarantee under the scheme could be used for working capital or for capital ass ets. The amount of the individual loans is depending on the purpose and size of the enterprise. Since 1994, Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGCs) target groups have been develop to include medium-sized businesses so as to better complement the governments efforts in promoting and expanding businesses in certain industries, Development Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad is the leading provider of credit enhancement in Malaysia and it has been instrumental in the establishment of more than 365,000 SMEs since its inception 37 years ago. The CGC providing loans guarantee coverage for partly secured as well as unsecured credit facilities from RM10,000 up to RM10 million to helps SMEs. Currently, CGC has 16 branches nationwide and CGC also represented by all the commercial bank and finance companies. The CGC manages viable credit guarantee schemes with the participant of its partners (lending institution) which has more than 2,600 branches in Malaysia. However, Credit Guarantee Corporation Berhad help SMEs from the based for industrial development by the assistance of the Government. CGC took a holistic approach to expansion the products and play part as advisory service on financial and business development. In early 2006, CGC was embarked on its 3-years business transformation plan and strive to transform CGC from traditional guarantee provider into an effective and financially sustainable institution that provides variety products and service for SMEs at competitive terms. The major focus of its new mission is for the Corporation to achieve financial independence by weaning itself from its current dependence on subsidized funds from the government and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). Hence, the CGC now classified as a Development Financial Institution. Organization structure/ overview The CGC is committed to the highest standard of corporate governance. As a governing corporation, the board is fully aware of its responsibil ity and acts in the best interest rate of the corporation. Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad was engages in the formulation and management of viable credit guarantee schemes and its help SMEs via the networking of branches of the commercial banks and finance companies by providing guarantee coverage for partly secured and unsecured credit facilities if manufacturing and other sectors. The chairman of CGC was Dato Zamani Abdul Ghani and Managing Director was Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmand. Figure 2 is showing the organization chart in CGC. Figure 2: Organization chart of Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad Vision and Mission/ Objective and goal The primary objective to establish CGC is to become a sole provider of guarantee schemes and ancillary services to assist Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) those without collateral or with inadequate collateral to get loans from financial institution. Besides that, CGC also playing a role to complement the Governments effort to promoting and developing business sector to spurring the economy. The mission of Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad is to enhance the viability of small and medium enterprises through the provision of products and services at competitive term and with the highest degree of professionalism, expertise, effectiveness and efficiency. However, the vision of CGC was to be an effective financial institution dedicated to promoting and stimulate the growth of competitive and dynamic small and medium enterprises. Activity As Malaysias leading credit enhancer for more than three decades, CGC has to date bee n instrumental in the establishment of more than 365,000 businesses, guaranteeing over RM36 billion worth of loans. It currently offers both conventional and Islamic guarantee facilities for SMEs from the various sectors of the economy and the guarantee coverage ranges from 30% to 100%. Nevertheless, there have 7 guarantee programs that CGC provide to SMEs. The CGC broadly categorized as main schemes and program lending schemes which are Credit Enhancer Scheme. Islamic Banking Guarantee Scheme, Direct Access Guarantee scheme, Islamic Direct Access Guarantee Scheme, small Entrepreneur Guarantee Scheme, Flexi Guarantee Scheme and Franchise Financing Scheme. MECD MITI MHR ICU MOSTI MOF Lead Agencies NSDC -promoting -promotion -providing -technical training -providing -marketing training accessibility support management infrastructure BNM (CGCs major shareholder) CGC -incentive to finance RD Supervision Supervision Funds Reporting (Formulating policies) Supervision Financial Institutions Figure 4: Relationship between CGC and Related Government Agencies. NSDC- National SME Development Council MITI- Ministry of International Trade and Industry MECD- Ministry of Entrepreneurial and Cooperative Development MOF- Ministry of Finance MOSTI- Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation MHR- Ministry of Human Resources ICU- Implementation and Coordinating Unit, Prime Ministers Department BNM- Bank Negara Malaysia (the Central Bank of Malaysia) Lembaga Tabung Haji History In earlier years, many of Malaysian Muslim especially those from rural area which are used traditional methods of saving made them enables to perform Hajj. E.g. they keep their money in pillows under mattress or they purchased land and sold it later to get the money needed for Hajj. However, these traditional methods were very risky in term of securities and value depreciation. Besides that, these traditional methods of saving money are detrimental to the rural economy and urban economy of Malaysia. As a result, pilgrims face difficulties an d financial hardship upon their return from the haji. To overcome these problems, one of the projects was establishment of a saving institution that carries out its activities according to Shariah principles. This project was propose by Royal Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz and he submitted a plan-A Plan to Improve the Economic Position of Future Pilgrims to the government in 1959. In his plan, he recommended that future pilgrims should have save in bank of financial institutions which was untainted by Riba but still gain profits. This suggestion marked as the beginning of the formation of Tabung Haji . However, the concept paper pertaining to the organization and activities of Tabung Haji was presented to Seikh Mahmound Al-Shahltut who is Rector of Al-Azhar University of Cairo. After he investigates the paper, he was convinced and believed that the recommendations made were not violate to Islamic Laws. In August 1962, The Pilgrims Saving Corporation was incorporated and was launch ed on 30 September 1963. Development Tabung Haji beginning its business in 1963 with only 1281 members and total deposits of Rm46,600, the quasigovernment body (under parliament act 1969) now has an around 4 million account holders and more than 2 billion USD deposits. In 1969, the corporation was merged with the Pilgrims Affairs Office which had been operate since1951 in Penang giving cert. to the Pilgrims Management and Fund Board under the Laws of Malaysia Act 8,the Pilgrims Management and Fund Board 1969 and Act A 168, the Pilgrims Management and Fund Borad (Amendment 1973). Apart from this, Tabung Haji has 12 subsidiaries and engaged from the traditional sectors of agricultural, plantation or real estate business to modern information technology. In 1995, Tabung Haji has been allowed to expend its operating framework under an amendment in the act, and now, Tabung Haji is able to extend its business activities even in outside Malaysia. Organization structure/ overvie w Tabung Haji (Malay Jawi: ÃÆ'ËÅ" ªÃƒÆ'ËÅ"ÃÆ'ËÅ" ¨ÃƒÆ'â„ ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬ ÃÆ'Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ÃÆ'ËÅ" ÃÆ'ËÅ"ÃÆ'ËÅ" ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ 1) is the Malaysian name for the Pilgrims management and Fund Board or we can called it Lembaga Tabung Haji. This organization was formed in 1963 and was formerly known as Lembaga Urusan dan Tabung Haji(LUTH). The headquarters is located at Kuala Lumpur. Besides that, the main function of Tabung Haji is to administer and entirely manage of Malaysian to go for Hajj. Apart from administer Malaysian go for Hajj, Tabung Haji also will facilitates saving for the pilgrimage to makkah through investment in Shariah-compliant vehicles. Below is the organization chart of Tabung Haji. Prime Ministers Department Financial Advisory Council Board of Directors Hajj Operations Advisory Council Finance Committee Welfare Committee Director General Administration and Quality Department Investment Department Finance Department Hajj Department Figure 5: Organizational Structure Tabung Haji Vision and Mission/ Objective and goal The objective of Tabung Haji is to enables Muslims to gradually accumulate savings and used them for Malaysian Muslims expenses in performing the pilgrimage or for other purposes beneficial to them. Besides that, Tabung Haji also enable Malaysian Muslims to participate in investments in industry, commerce, plantations and real estate through their saving according to Islamic principles and provide protection, control and welfare of Muslims while on pilgrimage through the various facilities and services of Tabung Haji. The goals if Tabung Haji is to render the best service to Malaysian pilgrims through the performance of the Hajj and to give the maximum return on their savings. Activity Tabung Haji has provided a product that satisfies two fundamental human needs, which are religious as well as financial. In order to able meet the financial requirement for performing Hajj, Malaysian Muslims used to save money in unsystematic and tra ditional methods which is free of Riba, they less to keep their saving in conventional banks simply because these banks are not operate in Riba-free basic. Tabung Haji operates as an alternative financial institution providing halal investment opportunities to Malaysian Muslim depositors. Its activity can be classified in three major categories, which is Haj service, Depositor and Investments. In category of deposits, any muslim can create his accounts with Tabung Haji with minimum monthly installment Rm10 for adult and Rm2 for children. Tabung Haji has a network of 111 local branches that collect the saving, besides, members also can deposit their saving through post office while reduction from monthly income is another way of collection. An additional facility for accounts holder is Tabung Haji provide an special withdrawal network services to the account holder during Hajj in Saudi Arabia. Apart from saving deposits, Tabung Haji also has an investment council which responsi ble to advice and handle with investment matters. Tabung Haji targets multifaceted investment project under the Shariah principles. Tabung Haji activities are managed under the following Shariah Principles: Al-Musharakah Al-BaiBithaman Ajil Al-Mudharabah Al-Murabaha Al-Qardhul Hasan Al-Ijarah The multi-facted projects which provide by Tabung Haji include short and long-term investments, unit trust investment, real estate investments for office and commercial use, equality investments, schemes offered by government and investment in subsidiary companies. In 1995, Tabung Haji has been allowed to expand their operating framework and now is able to extand its business activities even in foreign countries.Profits that earned from investment will channeled to the depositors accounts, which is bonus, it is not only tax free but also exempted fromzakat. Nevertheless, Tabung Haji also plays an important role in facilitating the performance of Hajj. The most significan t is the cost aspect, the costs involved in performing Hajj for Malaysian are lower than other countries like Indonesia and Singapore.This is because Tabung Haji is in position to subsidize many of the expenses involved in Hajj management. Tabung Haji has an exclusive department responsible to in charge all the service required in respect of Hajj. In additions, security, welfare, medical and other emergency service during Hajj are provided free of charge. Sabah Development Bank Berhad History Sabah Development Bank Berhad (SDB) was incorporated on 9 August 1977 under the name of Bank Pembangunan Sabah as a public limited company under the Companies Act 1965. The following year, Bank Pembangunan Sabah changes its official name to Sabah Development Bank Berhad and its granted with specific consent from the Federal Ministry of Finance to use the word bank in its company name. The establishments of SDB by the State Government of Sabah shows the desire of Sabah government sta te to create a network of financial institutions that can respond and are capable and effective in achieve the needs of economic development in the state. In June 1978, Sabah Development Bank Berhad (SDB) starts operation its first office at Wisma Sabah in Kota Kinabalu under the management of Tan sri Hj Abdul Majid Khan (first chairman) and Datuk Richard W.Maning (as the first managing director and chief executive. In 1981, Sabah Development Bank Berhad moved its office to the Berjaya Headquarters Builiding Karamunsing, after 4 years, SDB relocating to the current address at Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens. In 1996, Sabah Development Banks was privatized when it was acquired by Sabah-based Investment Holding Company and Suria Capital Holdings Berhad. However, SDB was re-acquired by the State Government of Sabah to make SDB become an active financial intermediary of the State Government in 1999 until today. Development Sabah Development Bank Berhad, is a development bank which o ffers financial and non-financial services to public and private sector projects in order to foster a strong and healthy corporate participation in the growth of economy Malaysia. Besides, SDB embrace an idea to enhancing the entrepreneurial and corporate development to provide economic dynamism and growth, particular in Sabah. SDB also playing role and act as financial intermediary for the state of the State of Government Sabah and its agencies to involved in the development of the infrastructure and public projects such as the construction of roads, bridges, low-cost houses, water supply and port extension projects. The development will be focused in establishing a smart partnership in any viable undertaking in fulfilling their roles as a DFI with a cutting edge and aspire to be the leading DFI in Sabah. Organization structure/ overview The company is incorporated as a public company which wholly owned by the State Government of Sabah. Figure 6: Sabah Development Bank Berhad (SDBS) Group Structure The chairman of Sabah Development Bank Berhad is Mr. Peter Siau Wui Kee and The Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer was YBhg. Datuk Peter Lim Siong Eng. The organization chart of SDB is showing in figure 7. Figure 7: Organization Chart of Sabah Development Bank Berhad Vision and Mission/ Objective and goal The vision of Sabah Development Bank Berhad is to become the leading Development Financial Institution (DFI) in Sabah and to be the DFI that remains on the cutting edge in Malaysia. Sabah Development Bank Berhad also setting company missions as their guideline to operate their businesses. The first mission is striving to provide sound and prompt financial and advisory services to the Sabah State Government and its agencies. Second, is to determine venture into every aspect of development banking for both public and private sectors. And the last mission is to build a Bank of integrity and nurture the people who are Skillful, Adaptable, Believable, Accountable and Honorable (SABAH) in his personality and abilities. Activity The activity that involved by the SDB is to functions as State Governments Financial Intermediary and is committed to raising the funds for projects undertaken by the Sabah State Government, and SDB also become a advisor to advisory service to the government and its agencies related to project financing and investment matters and control the surplus funds of the government. The company provides capital support for the development of infrastructure and public projects, such as the construction of bridges, roads, houses, and water supply and port extension facilities, as well as projects in agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing sectors. Furthermore, SDB lending portfolio comprises project and bridging finance, finance for fixed assets, working capital, and small and medium industries (SMEs). Below is the activities and service that provide by SDB:  Lending  Islamic Banking  Loan Syndication  Corporate Advisory  Venture Capital/Equity Participation  Governments Financial Intermediary and Other Services The company provides loan syndication services; corporate advisory services for project investigate and evaluations. Besi des, SDB offers venture capital/equity participation services; and Governments Financial Intermediary services. In addition, it also offers project rehabilitation services; organizes conferences, seminars, and workshops; and publishes a regular economic bulletin for the general public. Sabah Development Bank Berhad offers its services through a staff force that pursues a mission to nurture a people that are Skillful, Adaptable, Believable, Accountable and Honorable. In this way, SDB endeavors to move forward with strong confidence as a respected and financially sound institution towards the challenging world of the financial industry Sabah Credit Corporation Berhad History Sabah Credit Corporation (SCC) was established in 1955 at Sabah, Malaysia. The earlier name of Sabah Credit Corporation (SCC) was called North Borneo Credit Corporation (NBCC). In 15 June 1955, the North Borneo Credit Corporation (NBCC) was founded under the Credit Corporation Ordinance No.1 of 1955 . North Borneo Credit Corporation start their operations with a launching grant of RM1 million from part of Japanese Compensation Fund. At that time, NBCC was under the British Colonial Administration and was manned with grain staff strength of four. However, North Borneo Credit Corporation (NBCC) changed its name to Sabah Credit Corporation (SCC) in 1972. In 1981, the activities of the Corporation are governed when the ordinance was replaced by the state Enactment No. 22 of 1981. Development The Sabah Credit corporation was founded in 1955 which to promote the economic growth in Sabah through the provision of medium and long-term credit for private investment. It helps to develop light industries, shop house, agriculture, animal husbandry, transport, fisheries and poultry. The resources of the corporation are derived to large extent from low interest loans from the Sabah government. The headquarter of Sabah Credit corporation was located at Kota Kinabalu and operate throug hout the State of Sabah with local networking of 11 District Client Center and 5 Collection center. Sabah Credit Corporation will continue its effort to the improvement of the socio-economic of the state and strive to provide high quality service to ensure customer satisfaction in terms of processing speed, attractive interest rate, innovative financial products and service. Furthermore, SCC also emphasis in good corporate governance, risk management, intensive KPIs, ICT and human capital will be the main key pillars for SCC to continually progress. Nevertheless, the practice of corporate finance is critical to SCCs strategic positioning plan as SCC transform from government-support organization to self-sustaining organization. Sabah Credit Corporation believes that is important set global principles that guide the members in streamlining and govern the affairs of the Corporation to maximizing long term value for the government state and the interest of stakeholders. In recent years, SCC has involved the processes and system that enhance good corporations governance through the conduct of regular view for continual improvements. Organization structure/ overview The ownership of Sabah Credit Corporation was fully owned by the Sabah government state in Malaysia and operates under the area of the Sabah State Ministry of Finance. SCC is a type of development finance institution and had around 210 employees. The Chairman of SCC was YB Teo Chee Kang, JP whose leading the corporations and the Deputy Chairman was Datuk Mohamad Bin Jafry and the Sceretacy/ General Manager is Datuk Vincent Pung Yee Kiong. Figure 8 showing the structure of Sabah Credit Corporations. Figure 8: Sabah Credit Corporation Organization Chart. Vision and Mission/ Objective and goal The main objective of the Sabah Credit Corporation is to help contributes toward the socio- economy development of Sabah. SCC playing a role as a financial institution, the corporation complements the Sabah State Governments effort by offers financial credits to promote and encourage private investment involving agriculture, development of rural and urban housing, light industry, public utilities and amenities. The vision of Sabah Credit Corporation was To Make a Difference by devote to the states Economic and Social Agenda. Besides that, the mission of Sabah Credit Corporation has 5 identify keys strategic to support the vision. The first objective was to improve asset quality through controlling non-performing loans and managing investment risks. The second objective is to implanting leadership and accountability within the company by rejuvenating human capital through development program. Beside hat, SCC emphasis their mission whic h is contributing to the environmental improvement through providing financial credits to organic farmers in order to promote organic farming practices. Furthermore, SCC also emphasis in providing easy loans to small businesses by introducing community loans to curb out the rising phenomena of unlicensed money lenders. And the last mission was helping the less fortunate through allocating annual funds for community projects. Activity The activity of Sabah Credit Corporation is providing medium and long-term credit for private investment, such as personal credit loans/ executive loans, residential property loans, hire purchase loans and projects development loans. For example, The projects loans is provide to financing projects or business such as agriculture and animal husbandry, purchase of shop house, bridging, and professional and a bumiputera special scheme however the hire purchase loans is to provide financial credit to civil servants for purchase furniture, personal com puters, electrical goods, motorcycles and cars. Besides that, Sabah Credit Corporation also involved in charitable projects in1997 called Sabah Credit Corporation Social Corporate Responsibility (CSR) programs. CSR is a program which launched as part of the Corporations new training program PRIDE. The programs involved in implementation of a smaller size community and charitable projects, implemented on collaboration basic between the worker of the Corporation and the beneficiaries of the projects. In addition, the Sabah State Government allowed SCC to utilize 5% of the SCCs annual profit after tax for this program. These programs are located at various locations and have benefited thousands of Malaysians in Sabah. The CSR program involved in variety of projects, priority is given to projects that have related with education, single mother, children, women and the disable in the rural areas. Besides that, CSR also involved in the constructions of school hostels, mini library, clinic, water gravity, women and singer mother centers, learning and activity centers for the disable and the less fortunate, suspension bridge and other that approve by the SCC
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Use Of Facial Recognition Technology On Society
Introduction Developed in the 1960s, facial recognition technology has been used by the government and companies to identify people by matching them to photos. The data for this software was originally entered manually, limiting the scope of use. By 2001, the novelty of more powerful facial recognition technology grasped the public’s attention. During the January 2001 Super Bowl, surveillance cameras captured images to find people with a criminal record (FBI 2013). This potential invasion of privacy under the pretense of public safety sparked a public debate about what private information the government was allowed to take from us. So should we be putting limitations on the use of facial recognition software in America in order to keep†¦show more content†¦In effect, people are unknowingly being put in suspect lineups without their awareness or consent. This can lead to false accusations against innocent citizens. Most police departments still rely on officers to veri fy that the suspect chosen by the face recognition software actually matches the camera footage. However, humans shockingly make an error in this process once in every two cases (Bedoya, Alvaro, et al 2016). In some instances, it is not only this human error that is leading to their conviction but rather the system itself. A study, co-authored by the FBI, said that the facial recognition software is actually less accurate when it comes to identifying African Americans. Systems relying on mugshot databases have a disproportionate number of African Americans due to their high arrest rates in America. This creates â€Å"racial biased error rates,†that perpetuate implicit and systemic racism in our society (Bedoya, Alvaro, et al 2016). But for American citizens in general, in any crime being solved by using face databases, anyone is a potential suspect. Because of this, regulations should be put in place to limit the use of this technology to cases where its use is relevant and vital to solving the issue. Social Media Another common and inappropriate use of facial recognition technology exists in many social media platforms and systems. In the current social media domain,Show MoreRelatedThe Use Of Facial Recognition Technology On Society1236 Words  | 5 Pages Developed in the 1960s, facial recognition technology has been used by the government and companies to identify people by matching them to photos. By 2001, the novelty of more powerful and rapid facial recognition technology grasped the public’s attention. During the January 2001 Super Bowl, surveillance cameras captured images of the crowd to find people with criminal records (FBI 2013). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A Brief Speech Analysis of Shirley Chisholm free essay sample
A Brief Speech Analysis of Shirley Chisholm In January 1972, politician Shirley Chisholm announced in front of all Americans her bid to become the Democratic Party candidate for the presidency of the United States of America. A Brooklyn-born black woman with immigrant roots presented a new face and voice in contrast of the era’s status quo. Chisholm had already made history in 1968 as the first black woman elected to Congress. She goes on to have an impact on America with her strong beliefs that it was a new era for change starting with her to pave the path. Chisholm uses her candidacy for president knowing that she will not win the election but will inspire the motivation of many throughout her speeches. Throughout this essay we will examine the strategies that were used in the documentary to accomplish this task with the following questions: Was the introduction presented well? How was the body of the speech presented? Did the delivery support of the speech? The reviews of these questions give an overall conclusion of the representation of herself, her speeches, and the outcome of her intentions. We will write a custom essay sample on A Brief Speech Analysis of Shirley Chisholm or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Was the Introduction Presented Well? The introduction is the first impression about the speaker and about the message. These first few moments builds your audience interest, orients the listeners to the speech, and establishes your credibility as a speaker. â€Å" I stand before you today as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States of America. †Chisholm is clearly introduces the topic of her discussion and her intentions. During this time in American history, the fact that she was a woman in congress and black accomplished the capturing of attention and interest of her audience through this statement. Chisholm then states, â€Å"I am not the candidate of black America, although I am black and proud. I am not the candidate of the women’s movement of this country, although I am a woman, and I am equally proud of that. I am not the candidate of any political bosses or fat cats or special interests. I am the candidate of the people of America. And my presence before you now symbolizes a new era in American political history. †This statement gives the audience a chance to relate, making her one of the people. Chisholm’s intention is to reach out to all people during her time to make her message stand out. She is very aware of cultural diversity and uses these lines to bring the people together. The diverse America is striving the American dream of equality which she presents this belief in her speech. During the year of her announcement, many changes were being portrayed by the people. The voting age had just changed from 21 to 18, and millions of new voters were expected at the polls. The Vietnam War was in full swing, as were anti-war protests, a flourishing womens movement, and the rise of the Black Panther Party. When she states that she is the candidate of the people of America she concludes her thesis statement. She reaches a common ground by involving the concerns of common ethical values that is experienced in a personal level. Being truthful about her intentions to make a change, and the context of her speech gives her the credibility from all types of audiences. How Was the Body of the Speech Presented? Chisholm accomplishes to explain how she is the candidate of America. The body presented main points and supporting materials to establish the common ground with the people. The main points consist of the potential, the faith in the American dream, and that a leader is one who is receptive to the problems of America. The supporting materials were interviewers; people who supported her message. This also established more credibility, and gave people a chance to voice their opinion as well. Chisholm uses common ethical values to logically present her speeches. The most ethical value she tried to point out was that judgements on candidates should be based on intelligence, character, competence, integrity, and honesty. Battling and revealing these ethical hurdles that were present in her time, made clear transitions on her discussions. By tying in women, blacks, minorities, and our right for equality transitioned well into her overall message of picking the right candidate who represents a new era. Did the Delivery Support the Speech? Chisholm seemed to have used notes to help present her speech. It seemed that she referred to her notes quite often, but she did maintain a certain amount of poise throughout the speech. The focus of her message and interest was not lost. Chisholm maintained eye contact with her audience by constantly looking up. Possibly due to the size of the audience, it seemed as though she was talking at the audience. If there was more personal eye contact, the message could have been more personable to others. Chisholm did maintain the proper body language to help make the speech more effective. The use of hand gestures helped initiate her points, and gave the sense that she was well aware that she was constantly being observed. She used body language to her advantage to portray the image of an educated powerful woman. All hand and head movements were controlled to fit the effect that she wanted her message to portray. The rate of the speech, was clearly rehearsed. It was the right speed for all listeners to understand, and it gave enough time when she wanted to emphasize certain words, as well as giving the audience enough time to respond to what she was saying. The volume of her speech was also just enough to fit the criteria of a president. It was loud enough for a woman of her time, yet strong enough to give the impression of a woman who is very opinionated and not afraid to share her beliefs. Through this mechanism, it gave her pauses more emphasis, and the fluency with the lack of ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’ made her statements seem even more impressionable. All the criteria for delivering the speech were to used to her favor. With the practice she put into her speech, and along with her natural talent of public speaking, made her be the impression that she intended to be in our history. Overall, the impact that Shirley Chisholm had on our history remains forever memorable. After the evaluation, it was clear that she was able to maintain the purpose of why she ran for presidency. â€Å"In spite of hopeless odds to demonstrate the sheer will and refusal to accept the status quo. †Chisholm wanted to portray the message that the power of any dedicated individual can make a difference. This country belongs to each one of us only if we dare to claim our place in it. Chisholm wanted to be the first to stand out and make a statement about human equality in matters like being black, and being a woman, or a minority. When I die, I want to be remembered as a woman who lived in the twentieth century and who dared to be a catalyst of change. †Even after her death, she still make an impact on her audience. Many have followed in her footsteps to dare the dream of an equal opportunity to make a difference. Chisholm reached out by adapting to her audience and sparking the interest of many to life.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Advantages disadvantages keyboard Essays
Advantages disadvantages keyboard Essays Advantages disadvantages keyboard Paper Advantages disadvantages keyboard Paper Hardware is any physical part of the computer which can be touched or seen. These are the main types of hardware:  Monitor  Mouse  Keyboard Disk Drives  Printer  Speakers  Tower Monitor Disk Drive Speakers Printer Tower Mouse Keyboard Types of hardware There are four types of hardware. Input Input is that type of hardware which is used to enter data into the computer. Process Process is that hardware which manipulates the inputted into useful form. Storage Storage is where the data is stored. Output Output devices allow you to view information produced after data has been processed. These are the following hardwares I used; Input Keyboard, mouse and scanner Process Central Processing Unit Storage RAM, USB flash drive and hard disk Output Printer and monitor In the following table I will describe the hardware I have used in my system, the way they work and the advantages and disadvantages. Name of device Price The way it works Advantages Disadvantages Keyboard i 20 When a letter, number or a symbol is pressed on the keyboard then a signal is immediately sent to the CPU. Then the CPU passes on the information to the monitor which outputs it. Keyboards come in many types. For example. QWERTY, concept, ergonomic etc. This means that you can choose the one that suits you. Using to much keyboard can lead to RSI. A keyboard can do the same job of a mouse, like scrolling through pages by just the touch of one button. People who are unfamiliar with keyboards will get a lot of mistakes and will type very slowly because the buttons are mixed up. The buttons in a keyboard are arranged in such a way that you feel comfortable to use and become used to the layout. The buttons in a keyboard are very close to each other and very light, this means that there could be a lot of errors. Mouse i 13 There are two main types of a mouse.  Optical Mouse. Balled Mouse. The way you move the mouse, in the same direction the arrow will move. A mouse can be used to play computer games. The ball in a balled mouse can get lost. A Mouse with a keyboard to enter data into data computer. Using the mouse to much can lead to RSI. A mouse is very easy to control. A mouse will only work well on flat surfaces. Scanner i 60 A beam of light is shone on the object which is going to be scanned. The light is then reflected to a sensor which detects the colour of the light. A digital image is the created inside the computer. You can get 3 in1. It includes scanner, printer and photocopier. A scanner can be very expensive. An image which is scanned can be edited and then be used in numerous forms. An image which is scanned can take up a lot of computer memory. Using a scanner saves time because data is inputted within matter of seconds. The scanner can be damaged because it is made of glass. 1GB USB flash drive i 5 It can store large amounts of information and you can transfer files from one computer to another. They are portable and come in many designs and makes. Because they are very small they can fall out from your pocket and get lost. They can take in any format. USB devices transfer viruses from one computer to another. They come in different sizes. From 32 MB to 64 GB. They are valuable, so there are chances of getting stolen. Monitor i 100 Monitors come in two types. TFT  CRT Thousands of tiny dots called pixels are displayed which then create an image. TFT monitors are slim, so they take up lees space. TFT monitors can get scratched or damaged easily. TFT monitors create less heat than CRT. CRT monitors create too much heat and the room gets stuffy. CRT monitors are massive, so there are less chances of getting damaged. Some monitors do not have good graphics, so the image quality will not be as good. CPU. (Intel Pentium Dual Core) i 80 The CPU is the brain of the computer. It processes data. In the CPU all the sorting and calculations take place. It is small, so it will take less space. If it is damaged then the computer will not work. There is no need of buying it separate because it already comes with the computer. If there is no fan next to it then it will blow up. It is very fast because it can carry out millions of instructions per second. It is very expensive to buy. Laser printer i 250 They work using powdered ink which is fused onto paper by heat and pressure. They do not use cartridges but use toners. Hundreds of pages could be printed in an hour. They are very expensive to buy. The print outs are of very good quality. Toners are used instead of cartridges, this means that there will be extra costs It is very quiet and does not make any noise. They are massive and bulky; this means that if it breaks down then repairs will be very expensive. RAM (3 GB) i 45 To load programs it uses memory. RAM lets you open many programs at once. The more RAM you have the faster your computer will be. If you have less ram then your computer will crash a lot. You can even get to 4 GB RAM. It is quite expensive to buy in shops. It responds fast to signals. If the data is not saved and computer is switched ff, then the data will be lost. Hard disk (250 GB) i 85 The hard disk is the main storage device of the computer. All the data files and applications are stored in it. You do not loose any data when the computer is switched off. The hard disk can stop the computer from working if it crashes. They can store very large amounts of data. They can go up to 1 TB or sometimes even more. If the hard disk crashes on a regular basis the data from the hard disk could be lost. They come with every computer. This means you do not have to buy one when you buy a computer. The hard disk comes fixed inside the computer and can be difficult to transfer data to another computer. Alternatives In the following table I will give an alternative device to the hardware listed in the above table. I will also describe the way it works, its advantages and disadvantages and what difference it will make if used. Name of device Alternative The way it works Advantages Disadvantage Difference it would make if used QWERTY Keyboard Concept Keyboard It has a sheet spread on a grid which has pictures and symbols. The user can identify what each button will do. People who are unfamiliar with QWERTY keyboards can use this one. It has a limited amount of options to be programmed. The difference it would make if used a concept keyboard is that I will not have to move my hands and fingers too much. It could be used to teach little children. They make a lot of sounds and noises. It is very useful when ordinary keyboards might be damaged by spillages etc. They are not good for numeric input, though some come with a numeric pad. Balled mouse Optical mouse There is a laser at the bottom of the mouse which detects the movement. The way the mouse is move the same way the arrow on the screen will move.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Sunday, February 23, 2020
PORTFOLIO PROJECT Part 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
PORTFOLIO PROJECT Part 7 - Essay Example In stakeholders’ opinion, it is the benefit given to employees in exchange of the effort they have made for the organization. One complete definition for compensation is that it is a method to deal with all kinds of rewards of employees in the work system (Bomkamp, 2013). Compensation management as a HR function is significantly valued in organizations. Managers believe that it is a function that engages employees to their work system. They consider it as a function to ensure employees’ motivation in the work place. From a strategic point of view, compensation management is a planning stage for retaining employees. It is a planning process to organize qualified workers in the work system. It is a system that integrates workers with organizational culture and values. According to the contemporary literature, compensation is of two major types - financial and non-financial compensation. Financial compensation includes direct wages and performance based salaries while non- financial compensation may include job rotation, job expansion, hierarchy promotions and other resourceful benefits such as health insurance, medical facility, house or transport facility. In organizational practice, financial compensations are designed in accordance to market trends, while non-financial compensations are flexible, as they can be changed or amended depending upon the financial position of the organization. Furthermore, the literature asserts that compensation can be for the short term and long term. For example, Google Inc. offers work time entertainment facilities to employees as short term compensation, and the other company - Scientific Games Corporation offers $9.1 million golden parachute to the chairman of the office as long term compensation (Bomkamp, 2013, p. 2). The core objective of any reward or compensation is to retain employees and for that reason it has been noted that organizations actually determine compensations using flexible methods to ensure emp loyee retention. Definitely, if compensations are successful to retain employees, the employee turnover will be lower and as a result the organizational performance will be improved. This is what any organization would like to achieve from its compensation policy that is to increase employee performance. When high levels of employee performances are achieved then the company can expect higher efficiency and performance. The Challenge According to Joe (2011), accountants are in-charge of most of the technical work in an organization system (Martocchio & Joe, 2011). They have to conduct market research, prepare financial reports and bring revenue forecast, which is all a managerial level of task and operation (Martocchio & Joe, 2011). An effective compensation for accountants is one, which can justify with the accountant’s nature of work which involves high responsibility, major skill and effort (Singh, 2007). Definitely, if an accountant gives his full effort, the knowledge an d skill to his organization so the organization should acknowledge it by returning him back in the form of effective compensation. This is the challenge which most of the firms face while designing compensation for accountants, as they miss out the elements of fairness and equity at the time of compensating accountants (Martocchio & Joe, 2011, p. 20). Proposed Procedures for Accountants’ Compensation Management Market Assessment For designing effective
Friday, February 7, 2020
Participation or Non-Participation for a Tennis Professional Essay
Participation or Non-Participation for a Tennis Professional - Essay Example Given the magnitude of the tournament, it would present the best platform to sensitize the World and Americans on my stance and to make them join me in fighting this course. Participation is better given that a large number of people gather to watch this tournament and that the competition attracts people from various countries. Further, several broadcasting channels televise the Indianapolis tennis tournament that will enable my position to reach a large number of people (Durst 1). For a professional tennis player, participation presents the best way of putting forth one's opinion. Just like evidenced in other sports activities, best players choose to participate and put forth their stance concerning an occurrence in the course of their participation. For instance, when a police officer shot a teenager named Garner, and people were of the opinion that the Jury’s decision did not provide justice to the deceased. There were increased protests among the public and LeBron James an NBA star sought to oppose the decision in a game scheduled for Brooklyn. Before the game, LeBron wore a T-shirt with inscriptions showing support for young Garner (Bondy 1). A professional tennis player would pass his stance against the Religious Freedom Restoration Acts via pre-match or post-match interviews. In addition, a professional player can bring forth their position by wearing T-shirts with inscriptions of the stand they take concerning the decision. Finally, given the lar ge social media following that professional sports personality have in these media; the professional tennis player can post his stance on his wall. Despite the lack of participation in the Indianapolis Tennis Championships being impactful, participation and making one’s stance known through various means is the best option. Given the large following, that tennis professionals receive worldwide, failure of involvement would not go well with all the fans. Some fans of the professional tennis player would be so devastated by the failure of the occurrence of the event that they would stop focusing on the issue that led to the decision. Â
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Website analysis Essay Example for Free
Website analysis Essay Blockbuster Inc. started to embark on online rental service in the Unites States last August 2004 (Press Release). This is in counteraction of Netflix’s leading online movie rental service. The company’s website is popularly called Blockbuster Online and is somehow independent with on-ground stores. Visiting the website, observations can be formulated regarding the effectiveness and creativity of the website to online customers. The welcome page of Blockbuster Online is simple but effective. It is simple in a sense that no pop-ups can be found; there are no visual animations or advertising videos; no sounds and background music to entice the customers. Nevertheless, it is quite effective for the very reason that it uses the familial connection occurring with its customers. This can be evident through the use of a family picture in front of a television, assumed to be watching movies. It gives the customers a sense of home and belongingness. On another visit of the website, the featured picture is a woman lying down on a sofa in front of the television. These also give an idea that although movie viewing is comfortable in a family setting, it can also be done alone and still enjoy the activity. In both pictures, the people involve are holding remote controls. This very small detail gives an impression that each are about to watch a movie although if one looks at the pictures alone, the television is not visible. Furthermore, the movie guides and popcorn on the table in the pictures give a new dimension to movie home viewing. The said details represent the idea that satisfying movie viewing is not only possible in the big screens but also possible in the home. One would even be made to conclude that it would be a lot feasible and safe to watch movies in the home rather than in theatres. The color scheme of the website, with its blue, light blue, yellow and white major colors, is also very appropriate for the services it offers. The colors used give an impression of brightness and lightness of the website. It gives a serene and calming touch to anyone who visits the website. In the simplicity of the welcome page of the website, the customers may also be persuaded to think that the services it offers are practical and cheap. It makes them feel that fees are inexpensive and affordable. On the other hand, the welcome page can be seen as a very uncreative effort in designing. As one lingers longer on the page, it can be noticed that the website looks like an ordinary advertisement box in a newspaper page. This is unfavorable since it will decrease the customers’ interest in exploring more of the website. Although the welcome page is uncomplicated, it contains many promotional materials like the company’s offer for a free trial. It also presents free shipping and a step-by-step menu to help customers who are new to the website. The three easy steps to enjoy the rental service include select movies, receive by mail and return by mail or in-store exchange (Blockbuster Online). The various different links from the welcome page to the other pages of the website makes up for the simplicity of the welcome page. Complex links can be found in the different parts and corners of the welcome page. Links to a variety of web pages regarding the company are located at the bottom of the welcome page. This is very uneasy for the customers since it is in very small font sizes that it becomes unnoticeable. This part of the website includes the terms and conditions policy of the company. Nonetheless, the rent and buy movie links on the page are easy to follow. One particular detail that has caught attention is the link opening default settings of the website. In the links related to rental services and other customer-related topics such as movie categories and new movie releases, the links open on the current page. On the other hand, if the link leads to the company’s information or financial and business issues such as investing and the company profile, the link opens on a new window. This is very interesting since it implicitly draws the line between customer-related issues and internal issues of the company. Further on, the different links to the secondary websites are too many and are hard to track which may lead to the customer getting lost in the whole website. This may also be the effect of the website’s moderate organization of the links. Nevertheless, upon familiarity of the website links, customers can get used to the incomprehensible first impression organization of the website. The sign-up page of the website is simply designed too. A step-by-step process of the whole transaction of the rental service is included in a graphical and a worded method. It looks like a comic strip which accounts for its easy-to-comprehend characteristic. The big sign-up button is also interesting enough due to its large size and appealing color and font type. These properties of the page may convince the customer to sign up for a membership plan. Features of the rental service are also in the web page in brief making it a summary of the whole service that the company provides. The rent movies page is quite colorful and interesting especially for movie fanatics. It includes different categories and featured movies. In all of these categories, the movies featured all have small movie posters with the relative size of a DVD front cover. It gives a very unique influence on the customer since the customer can somehow see a glimpse of the movie. The rental page also provides a link on the procedure on how to rent via the internet. Like the rental page, the buyers’ page is also filled with the DVD front cover posters of on-sale movies. The structure also consists of different movie categories wherein the customer can choose from. However, in the buyers’ page, the movies in feature incorporate a button which adds the movie to the list of movies the customer wants to buy. Together with this element is the price of the movie. The payment terms can be done through credit card and other online wiring financial services such as PayPal. This is very secure for online clients, thus contributing with the website’s ease of operation characteristic. Another amazing element of the website is its trailers and video clips page. In this part, the customer can take a glance of the movies and also watch the trailer of the movie. It is very appropriate and efficient since most customers would first want to see clips of the movie before they rent or buy it. This amazing feature adds up to the website’s effectiveness. Some of the web pages in the site require information upload from the customers and members. Such web pages include the store locator and the contact page (Blockbuster Online). In the store locator page, the client is asked to type in the address and then a button is clicked to reveal stores near the vicinity. This is very useful for online customers who wanted to avail of in-store exchanges that the company offers. Although the feature is very simple, it has its own link page to set it apart from the rest of the website. On the contact page, the client can contact the company on certain issues such as membership and DVD issues. However, the system used is not that of a presentation method but rather an e-mail type. In this method, instead of giving the company’s contact numbers, headquarters address and email-address, the company asks the customer to input the category issue, the client’s information and contact details as well as the messages or questions concerning the company’s services. It is much like an e-mail web page where one can submit the mail directly to the company. The system that the company uses is very reliable and easy to manage for their part since they can somehow sort the mails that they receive. This method also prevents prank callers and mailers from dumping junk on the company’s telephone lines and mailbox. Nevertheless, the negative part for this process is that the customers may feel reluctant to communicate with the company since the company requires personal information from the client which can be jeopardized unintentionally.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant :: Red Tent Anita Diamant Essays
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant The author and her times      Anita Diamant, author of the historic fiction novel, The Red Tent, is a devout Jewish-American living in Newtonville, Massachusetts with her husband and daughter, Emilia. She has written five books about contemporary Jewish life, The Red Tent being her first novel.      Diamant may have been influenced by the recent resurgence of creating Midrashim, or stories that attempt to explain the Torah by examining its subtexts. Modern women have taken a keen interest in this practice, hoping to expand on the minute biblical mentions of women like Dinah.     Form, structure and plot      The Red Tent is organized in a seemingly complicated yet beautifully simple way. There are three main sections; Dinah's mothers' story, her childhood, and her life in Egypt. Each is further divided into chapters.      Although the story is divided into sections, the plot progresses intact. The exposition consists of Jacob's arrival and subsequent marriages to Leah, Rachel, Zilpah and Bilhah. Twelve of thirteen children are born, including Dinah, narrator and only daughter. Dinah grows up helping her aunt/mother Rachel, who brings her to the city of Shechem. The initial incident occurs when Simon and Levi, two of Dinah's oldest brothers, enter the city of Shechem and murder all of the resident men, including Dinah's beloved husband, Shalem. Cursing her entire family, a pregnant Dinah is taken to Egypt by Shalem's mother, Re-nefer. In the rising action the child is born, a boy who Re-nefer names Re-mose and raises as her own. He becomes a superior Egyptian scribe, and is eventually assigned to the king's right-hand-man. In a climactic irony, Re-mose's employer turns out to be Joseph, Dinah's youngest brother. The truth about Shalem's murder is revealed to Re-mose, who in turn vows to avenge his father's death on Joseph's head. He is thwarted by Dinah, who convinces him to remove to the north. Joseph and Dinah attend the death of Jacob in the falling action, both forgiving the wrongs committed against them in their father's name. The story concludes with Dinah's death. Point of View      Diamant has Dinah effectively tell her story from three different narrative perspectives. The bulk of the novel is related by Dinah in first person, providing a private look at growing up and personal tragedy: "It seemed that I was the last person alive in the world" (Diamant 203). Dinah tells the story that she says was mangled in the bible. Understandably, Dinah's relation of her mothers' stories is done in third person narrative, since she herself was not yet born.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Consumer Behavior
What does the purchase of a product like Nike mean to Sunder Singh? Sunder Sing, just escaping homelessness is clearly proud that he was able to save and buy a pair of Nikes. He could undoubtedly have purchase a different brand that would have met his physical needs as well for much less money which he does not say why he bought the more expensive Nikes, a reasonable interpretation is that they serve as a visible symbol that Sunder Singh is back as a successful. Sunder Singh is not Unique among low-income consumer in wanting and buying items such as Nike shoes.As one expert says. â€Å"The low income consumer wants the same product and services other consumer want†. He suggests that marketing efforts reflect those desires. Another expert state. There’s this stereotype that they don’t have enough money for toothpaste and that’s just not true. There has been some significance to them being called lower income, but they do buy things. The working poor are for ced to spend a disproportionate present of theirs income on housing, utilities and medical care due to lack of insurance.They generally relay on public transportation, they spend a smaller portion of their relatively small income on meals away from home and all forms of entertainment such as admission, pets and toys; they spend very little on their own financial security. However Sunder Singh illustrated they spend the same percent of their income though a smaller amount on apparel and accessories. 2. What does the story say about our society and the impact of marketing on consumer behavior? â€Å"Society can exist without Marketing, but Marketing cannot exist without Society†Marketing is the management process of anticipating, identifying and satisfying customer’s requirements. The various conventional marketing tools- advertising, branding, direct marketing, sales promotion, publicity & public relations. Effect of marketing on society, in particular on Vulnerable Gro ups Marketing and society, the commensuration of the two words raises a few eyebrows, as it is highly debatable. On the one hand, Society thrives on the marketing efforts of the Companies, while another school of thought argues that marketing makes the society more materialistic.Today, striking a balance between the two is the challenge faced by the Marketers. The society expects the business to be ethical and desires corporate executives, at all levels to apply ethical principles in other words, guidelines as to what is right and wrong, fair and unfair, and morally correct, when they make business decisions. Advertisers are traditionally use techniques to which children and adolescents are more susceptible, such as product placement in TV shows, tie in between movies and fast food restaurants, to mention a few.Therefore there exist many marketing evils that lure people to buy even when not required. Case III Star Airways 1. What is likely to be the decision process in case of choos ing an airline? Buyer decision processes are the decesion making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market transaction before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service. More generally, decision making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives. Decision making is said to be a psychological construct.This means that although we can never â€Å"see†a decision, we can infer from observable behaviour that a decision has been made. Therefore we conclude that a psychological event that we call â€Å"decision making†has occurred. It is a construction that imputes commitment to action. That is, based on observable actions, we assume that people have made a commitment to effect the action. In general there are three ways of analysing consumer buying decisions. They are: * Economic models – These models are largely quantitative and are based on the assumptions of rationality and near pe rfect knowledge.The consumer is seen to maximize their utility * Psychological models – These models concentrate on psychological and cognitive processes such as motivation and need recognition. They are qualitative rather than quantitative and build on sociological factors like cultural influences and family influences. * Consumer behaviour models – These are practical models used by marketers. They typically blend both economic and psychological models. Consumer decision making is best summarised in the following diagramProblem recognition: The need for new airlines Consumers of India received a problem with the product that is offered by other similar airlines. The consumer choose product because of their quality and service. Information Search: Surfs the internet to learn about airlines. View TV ad, hear from family members or friends. May read certain magazine when at home or outside Evaluation of Alternative and selection compares several airlines in terms of rep utation and available features, Price point and discount offered free gifts.Purchase decision: Choose on airline it has a feature that really appeals to him and buys it Purchase Behavior dissonance and complex evaluation. 2. Would this plan suggested by the vice president help in convincing the customers to use Star Airways? Give your reasons. Consumer decision making process is a list of steps that are carried out by consumers concerning to a potential market transaction, before, during and after the purchase of a product or service. The process includes identifying the problem, collecting information, evaluating the alternatives, making the purchase decision and evaluating post purchase.Information search when a consumer discovers a problem or a need, he or she is likely to search for more information on how to solve it. The information search stage involves gathering information from various sources in order to make a better-informed decision, it helps clarifies the options open to the consumer which may involve internal search Understanding customer needs is the keystone to Star Airways success. The most successful companies understand the value of their customers as they measure success through the amount of customers they serve each year.Increasing customer base is a goal and a challenge that every company must face. Listening to customers and researching the market will provide a company with opportunities to become an industry leader. Finding cost effective ways to meet customer demands are at the root of the challenge. Star Airways must face this challenge head-on while keeping the customer in the forefront of any action the company takes. They must develop products that will appeal to customers and draw in new business. This problem solution will discuss opportunities and well as analyze an optimal solution.That will assist Star Airways in achieving their goals. The variety of successful strategies in use today was in full display at the ATW Winning Strategies conference in Washington, where some of the airline industry's keenest minds shared their wisdom. Dr. Adam Pilarski, senior VP at consultancy Avitas, opened the conference with a controversial statement, â€Å"the myth of overcapacity is an urban legend,†pointing out that historically high load factors should push fares up. â€Å"If airlines don't make money when they have the highest load factors ever, there is something wrong with their business model. He implied that airline managers over think their strategies and fail to follow what he called â€Å"Adam's Rule: Revenue greater than cost equals good. †The first thing to do is â€Å"Don't be stupid,†he said, adding a list of â€Å"stupid†strategies: Don't insult customers. No extreme yield management. No bad airline names. No adversary relations with employees. Do not have stupid business plans. â€Å"Please remember you are in a service industry,†he said, and try to avoid what former Continental CEO Gordon Bethune referred to as â€Å"sky nazi†cabin service.He criticized â€Å"nickel-and-dime†attitudes toward cutting amenities, scoffing at airlines' publicized moves to remove olives and pillows. You must cut costs in ways that make sense, related to productivity. †Cost control â€Å"has to fit the business model, and must be related to productivity. †The plan suggested by the VP Marketing, Anil Saxena, felt that the company needed to advertise its dedication to quality and rebuild an image of being discussions with the advertising agency to launch a campaign in the near future.Advertising: Convincing the Consumer when a company wants their product to sell to consumers, they give them a reason why their product is better than others. Advertising sells to consumers wants not just to their needs. People need a car but want a Cadillac. They need clothes, but they want Ralph-Lauren. When most people flip though ads the go fairly fast, therefore it must grab their attention. A good ad allows the reader to instantly recognize the concept being communicated. It sends a simple and easy message to the reader of the benefits they will get if they use their product.Cigar, cigarette, and alcohol ads in the mid 1900's persuade the reader that their products provide a beneficial and pleasurable experience. Case IV Mouse-Rid 1. Has Shobha identified the best target market for Mouse-Rid? Why or why not? Shobha has targeted women for the product. She feels that women are the best group to target because they don’t like the mess or the risks created by traditional mouse traps. This is a good marketing segment to start off with but there are a couple of things that Shobha could have improved on.First off, she should have probably segmented women into a couple different groups. In today’s world all women don’t’ stay at home and take care of kids. In fact the population of women that do that is r apidly shrinking and being replaced by independent professionals. In effect, by targeting women that stay at home, Shobha is targeting a shrinking market. She could probably segment women into a couple different categories. For example: working women, single women, house wives, etc. There are also other markets which Shobha could target.Some other market segments that hold large potential for the Trap-Ease are market like environmentalist, animal lovers, corporate business and families. The Trap-Ease mouse trap is re-useable and therefore creates less of a strain on the environment which would make it very attractive things for environmentalists and people who care about the earth. The environmentalist market is also growing as people became more aware of global warming and other problems such as deforestation. Animal lovers would love the Trap-Ease mouse trap because it doesn’t require poison or pose the risk of snapping closed on a paw or tongue of a pet.Corporate Business would probably like the Trap-Ease mouse trap because of its high qualitymore futuristic image and the fact that it would create as much of a mess. They wouldprobably be less hesitant to have them sitting around the office. Families with kidsshould be the primary market segment of Trap-Ease seeing as it will probably be their largest. Mouse traps and poison pose a very large risk to infants and toddlers and caringmothers and fathers would probably happily buy a product which would better protecttheir children.It seems that the Trap-Ease mouse trap has positioned itself in the market as being a veryinnovative and well engineered product. It has done this by winning awards from tradeshows and magazines. If it is better able to connect these features of the mouse traps withthe needs and wants of their target consumers then they should be able to generate alarger demand. They could also try to change it’s position a little bit. Trap-Ease could also position the product as causing less waist because it is re-useable o rthey could lower it’s cost and make it more affordable.By making it â€Å"the mostaffordable, innovative mouse trap†on the market they could probably gain some moredemand. Another way in which they could position their product would be by having an incredibly good customer service team that could deliver services to their customers thatwere having problems using the product. By having a good customer service team theycould build better relationships with their customers and increase their customer equity The marketing mix of a company consists of the four P’s: Product, Price, Place andPromotion.Currently Trap-Ease only has one product, their mouse trap. They probably could create a couple different versions of their mouse trap in order to offer more variety. The higher price of their mouse trap seems to be consistent with a quality differentiationstrategy but they probably could offer a wider range of prices on the differe nt models oftheir trap if they chose to widen their product range. Right now they are trying todistribute their product through stores like Kmart and Safeway. A really good market tohit would probably be the internet.People on in the internet are often times into quality,ease of use, and innovativeness and don’t mind spending a little more money to get whatthey want. It is also a high profit market because it reduces transportation costs and thereare no middle man costs. The promotion of the Trap-Ease mouse trap seems to be one oftheir largest problems. They should promote over the internet for certain on sites thatthey think their target market will be visiting and they should also think about putting outads on TV. In this changing high tech environment magazine ads aren’t enough anymore.Trap-Ease America’s competition is any company that creates mouse traps. They face amarket in which large volume of low quality low cost mouse traps are sold. There arealso poi sons that are sold which are a danger to pets and animals as well as the mice theyare supposed to kill. There are also other versions of live catch mouse traps out there. An example of one of Trap-Ease’s competition is d-CON who offers both baits and traps. They actually also offer a version of a no touch mouse trap in which you don’t have totouch the mouse after you have trapped it.They are selling this for 150 which is higher then the suggested retail price for the Trap-Ease mouse trap which is 1:0 six times more expensive. This would suggest that Trap-Ease has priced lower then some of its competitors which will give it apricing advantage. Companies such as Havahart offer traps which humanely catcheverything from mice to voles and shrews and are competition for the humane factors ofthe Trap-Ease trap. Other competitors include: Victor, JT Eaton and Riddex. The first thing I would do to change Trap-Ease’s marketing strategy would be to increasethe amount of pe ople in their marketing team.Although Martha was probably trying tokeep down costs by not hiring anyone for her marketing team she made one importantmistake. One of the most important things when coming out with a new product is themarketing because until you’ve communicated the benefits of your product to the consumer there will not be sufficient demand for it. Her entry into the market was toosmall scale and chances are that with such an innovative product that the company willdo better in the long run with a larger scale entry. She should have asked for a largerbudget and hired more people for the marketing team.She should have then put muchmore work into the Analysis of her target markets and perhaps expanded her scope oftarget markets while increasing the segmentation. This would allow her to betterdifferentiate her product. I would put in operating controls and strategic controls in order to monitor the marketingteam’s progress and make sure that what they are do ing is consistent with the company’sgoals and strategy. These controls would very important for gathering the informationthat would form the strategies in the coming years.It would also probably help to do amarket audit at some point during the first year just to make sure that things are runningsmoothly and it shouldn’t cost that much to do one at such an early stage in thecompanies development because of the smaller volume of papers to audit. Summary Targeting: The targeting should have been done within a broader demographic area. Slums, warehouses, go downs, docks, kirana shops, retail stores, restaurant, canteens and cold storages must be targeted for potential customers. The segmenting must avail wholesalers and the intermediaries too part from the retailers. Marketing channels like Toll-free numbers, newspaper, television, radio and mobile marketing must be used effectively to target MEN. Pest control companies must be primarily targeted and a joint venture can b e planned if necessary. We should target to environmentalists, animal lovers and corporate business. 2. Does Shobha have enough needed data on consumer behavior? What type of consumer research should Shobha conduct? Shobha have no enough needed data on consumer behaviour. She should adopt the following data collection methods †¢ DATA COLLECTION METHODS DESK RESEARCH OR SECONDARY DATA â€Å"Secondary data consists of information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose†. In other words, secondary data are those which have been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through statistical process, there are two sources of this data: Internal sources – this is data which is available within the company, although companies do not make full enough use of the information that is routinely collected. External sources – this is data which has been published for commercial reasons.A key source of secondary data is t he library service and most good libraries have a wide range of sources. Some government data is available free, other secondary data can be very expensive. It is important in a research project to know what data is available since this will guide the structure and format of the fieldwork in the primary data collection stage. It is possible that secondary data sources can provide the complete answer to the problem under scrutiny. The least it will do is save time and money in directing the scope of the field work. It can also influence the choice of data collection methods used in the field ork. Primary Data – Kotler and Armstrong say that â€Å"primary data consists of information collected for the specific purpose at hand†. In other words, primary data are those, which are collected afresh and for first time and thus happen to be original in character. Once the desk research is complete the researcher will have a much clearer idea of: †¢ The up-to-date and relev ant data †¢ What data still needs to be collected to find a solution to the problem under scrutiny. †¢ To achieve the data and information the research teams need to answer certain questions: What is it necessary to know?Who will have the information which is sought? What is the best method (quick and efficient) to use to collect this data? †¢ It is important to streamline the answers to these questions to avoid collecting a mass of irrelevant data by inappropriate or inefficient methods. The two types of data are: Quantitative Data – As the term implies this is data which is expressed in numbers. Quantitative data is quite easy to collect, and a large amount of reliable and valid data can be collected largely by questionnaire in quite a short period of time. It is a fairly formal approach.This data arises from what is termed â€Å"closed questions†because the respondent is restricted in the choice of answer the respondent can give. Qualitative data â⠂¬â€œ Qualitative data is obtained from group discussions or in-depth interviews and its findings are based on content rather than numeric analysis. Qualitative data is said to be much more subjective than its counterpart. Questions are open-ended and can lead to a free ranging and in-depth discussion on a specific point which provides a variety of rich data. There are no numbers or digits in this data and it is not subject to statistical interpretation.TYPES OF PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION 1) OBSERVATION : Observation becomes a scientific tool and the method of data collection for the researcher when it serves a formulated research purpose is systematically planned and recorded and is subjected to checks and controls on validity and reliability. Under the observation method the information is sought by way of investigators own direct observation without asking from respondent. 2) SURVEYS: Surveys are concerned with describing, recording, analyzing and interpreting conditions that exist or existed.The researcher does not manipulate the variable or arrange for events to happen Surveys are only concerned with conditions or relationships that exist, opinions that are held, processes that are going on, effects that are evident or trends that are developing. They are primarily concerned with present but at times do consider past events and influences as they relate to current conditions. 3) Experiment: Experiment may be conducted in lab or in the field. The researcher can test the relative sales appeals for package, designs, price, promotional offers and copy themes etc. , by designing suitable experiments to identify cause and effect.The first thing I would do to change is marketing strategy would be to increasethe amount of people in their marketing team. Although Shobha was probably trying to keep down costs by not hiring anyone for her marketing team she made one important mistake. One of the most important things when coming out with a new product is the marketing because until you’ve communicated the benefits of your product to the consumer there will not be sufficient demand for it. Her entry into the market was too small scale and chances are that with such an innovative product that the company will do better in the long run with a larger scale entry.She should have asked for a larger budget and hired more people for the marketing team. She should have then put much more work into the Analysis of her target markets and perhaps expanded her scope of target markets while increasing the segmentation. This would allow her to better differentiate her product. I would put in operating controls and strategic controls in order to monitor the marketing team’s progress and make sure that what they are doing is consistent with the company’s goals and strategy. These controls would very important for gathering the information that would form the strategies in the coming years.It would also probably help to do amarket audit at som e point during the first year just to make sure that things are runningsmoothly and it shouldn’t cost that much to do one at such an early stage in thecompanies development because of the smaller volume of papers to audit. 3. What type of advertising can influence consumers for this type of product? . The low cost of posters and handbills encouraged a numberof publishers to experiment with other methods. Method were useful fo rinforming and reminding and reminding, they could not do the whole promotional job.Theywere used only to reach each consumer personally. The merchant still used personal persuasiononce the customers were attracted to his store. The invention of hand press increased the potentialities of advertising. times, posters had made their appearance, and assumed the function of fostering demand for the product. CASE VI Impact of Retail Promotions on Consumers 1 Why would some consumers have high-involvement levels in learning about this sales promotion? A good de finition of sales promotion would be as follows: â€Å"An activity designed to boost the sales of a product or service.It may include an advertising campaign, increased PR activity, a free-sample campaign, offering free gifts or trading stamps, arranging demonstrations or exhibitions, setting up competitions with attractive prizes, temporary price reductions, door-to-door calling, telemarketing, personal letters on other methods†. More than any other element of the promotional mix, sales promotion is about â€Å"action†. It is about stimulating customers to buy a product. It is not designed to be informative – a role which advertising is much better suited to. Sales promotion is commonly referred to as â€Å"Below the Line†promotion.Sales promotion can be directed at: †¢ The ultimate consumer (a â€Å"pull strategy†encouraging purchase) †¢ The distribution channel (a â€Å"push strategy†encouraging the channels to stock the prod uct). This is usually known as â€Å"selling into the trade†Some customers show high level of involvement in sales promotion is to know about the features product, competitor’s product which replace the same product, price and discount offered for the product. Additional kit or benefit for the product, and to know what the new arrivals in the market are. Customers will also learn about he stores and its goodwill by such type of sales promotions. Is a level of 75 per cent comprehension realistic among those who become aware of an ad? Why or why not? Results of the study showed that ad exposure was 75 per cent and ad awareness level was 68 per cent and was considered as high. Only 43 percent respondents exposed to and aware of the ad copy could accurately recall important details, such as the name of the store promoting the retail sale. Just 43 per cent correct interpretation was considered as low. Of those who could accurately interpret the ad copy, 32 per cent said th ey intended to respond by purchasing the advertised · products ‘ and 68per cent sad they had no intention to buy.This yields an overall intention to buy of 7 per cent. The largest area of lost opportunity was due to those who did not accurately interpret the ad copy. The post-promotion survey indicated that only 4. 2 per cent of the target market customers made purchases of the promoted products during the promotion period. In terms of how the buyers learned of the promotion, 46 per cent mentioned newspaper A (Hindi), 27 per cent newspaper B (Hindi), 8 per cent newspaper (English), and 15 per cent learned about sale through word-of mouth communication. Do you think such promotions are likely to influence the quality image of the retail store? Explain. Basically, promotion is first introduced in the 4Ps of marketing. The four Ps represents the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place ; Promotion) and the promotional mix is the important term used to explain the set of tools of th e business. This is applied to achieve benefit of its products and services from its consumer and the followings are (Advertising, Public relation, Direct Marketing, Personal selling and Sales promotion) On the other hand consumer behaviour is another important aspect in the retail business sector.Consumers are not always normal/simple buyer. There are many aspects involved in buying decision process. They hold strategic shopping manner at the time of buying a product or services from a company. The main aim and objective of this research is such promotions are likey to influence the qulity immage of the retials store. Such Sales promotion has a great impact and influence on consumer buying behaviour in the retails stores – based on Tesco retail store. Such sales promotion role has a great impact on consumer buying behaviour.It has a great and strong significance role on retail industry sector. Basically sales promotions strategies used as a short-term technique tool which pr incipal objective is to influence the ultimate buyers to try a brand or change their mind to another brand. Sales promotion represent to discount a brand, it can be directly or indirectly, directly price reduction or indirectly through coupons ; premiums. But when the retail stores withdraw the sales promotion, then the normal price should have had a inferior value and the result of this should have had a negative impact on consumer buying behavior.The study focuses the significant attitude, perception of the consumer behaviour and it reflects the consumer loyalty on the basis of customer relationship management. Here the findings and analysis have discovered the vital reason that impacts positively on consumer buying behaviour and in the sales volume. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Need and Problem recognition Information Search Evaluation and Selection Decision Implementation Post Purchase Processes Consumer Behavior 2. What is the basic difference between a fad, a fashion, a classic, and a trend? Provide example of each. A fashion refers to a style that is accepted by a large group of people at a given time such as skinny jeans. Some styles become classics, which are styles that become acceptable and in good taste anytime and place such as the classic black dress. A fad is a short lived fashion that suddenly becomes popular and quickly disappears; generally it only affects a specific group of the population such as low rise jeans wore by juniors. A trend is a general direction or movement as a style begins to be accepted such as the revival of high-waist jeans made from a light denim which also were worn in the 60-70s. 11. State some differences between the positivist and interpretivist approaches to consumer research. For each type of inquiry give examples of product dimensions what would be more usefully explored using that type of research over the other. Positivist assume the nature of reality is objective, tangible, and single, while the interprevisit believe that nature of reality is socially constructed and multiple, this should be used with products that are socially minded and include interactions based on technology such as social networking. Positivist have a goal of prediction which is good when trying to create trend reports and in the process of product development, while interpretivist goal is of understanding, this would be most useful when analyzing behavior toward products already on the market. . What is the difference between an enacted norm and a crescive norm? Identify the set of crescive norms operating when a man and a woman in your culture go out for dinner on a first date. What would they wear? An enacted norm are explicitly decided upon while crescive norms are embedded in a culture and are only discovered through interaction with other members’ of the culture. When a young man and woman go out on a first date, if they are both from the same culture then they are following crescive norms, because they are both following the norms which are accepted within their given culture. If they are both from completely different cultures, then they would be operating on enacted norms. What they would wear would be determined based upon what is accepted in their culture as appropriate wear for the occasion. 3. Read the Article â€Å" Body Ritual Among the Nacirema†and discuss what is going on. Consumer Behavior 2. What is the basic difference between a fad, a fashion, a classic, and a trend? Provide example of each. A fashion refers to a style that is accepted by a large group of people at a given time such as skinny jeans. Some styles become classics, which are styles that become acceptable and in good taste anytime and place such as the classic black dress. A fad is a short lived fashion that suddenly becomes popular and quickly disappears; generally it only affects a specific group of the population such as low rise jeans wore by juniors. A trend is a general direction or movement as a style begins to be accepted such as the revival of high-waist jeans made from a light denim which also were worn in the 60-70s. 11. State some differences between the positivist and interpretivist approaches to consumer research. For each type of inquiry give examples of product dimensions what would be more usefully explored using that type of research over the other. Positivist assume the nature of reality is objective, tangible, and single, while the interprevisit believe that nature of reality is socially constructed and multiple, this should be used with products that are socially minded and include interactions based on technology such as social networking. Positivist have a goal of prediction which is good when trying to create trend reports and in the process of product development, while interpretivist goal is of understanding, this would be most useful when analyzing behavior toward products already on the market. . What is the difference between an enacted norm and a crescive norm? Identify the set of crescive norms operating when a man and a woman in your culture go out for dinner on a first date. What would they wear? An enacted norm are explicitly decided upon while crescive norms are embedded in a culture and are only discovered through interaction with other members’ of the culture. When a young man and woman go out on a first date, if they are both from the same culture then they are following crescive norms, because they are both following the norms which are accepted within their given culture. If they are both from completely different cultures, then they would be operating on enacted norms. What they would wear would be determined based upon what is accepted in their culture as appropriate wear for the occasion. 3. Read the Article â€Å" Body Ritual Among the Nacirema†and discuss what is going on. Consumer Behavior 2. What is the basic difference between a fad, a fashion, a classic, and a trend? Provide example of each. A fashion refers to a style that is accepted by a large group of people at a given time such as skinny jeans. Some styles become classics, which are styles that become acceptable and in good taste anytime and place such as the classic black dress. A fad is a short lived fashion that suddenly becomes popular and quickly disappears; generally it only affects a specific group of the population such as low rise jeans wore by juniors. A trend is a general direction or movement as a style begins to be accepted such as the revival of high-waist jeans made from a light denim which also were worn in the 60-70s. 11. State some differences between the positivist and interpretivist approaches to consumer research. For each type of inquiry give examples of product dimensions what would be more usefully explored using that type of research over the other. Positivist assume the nature of reality is objective, tangible, and single, while the interprevisit believe that nature of reality is socially constructed and multiple, this should be used with products that are socially minded and include interactions based on technology such as social networking. Positivist have a goal of prediction which is good when trying to create trend reports and in the process of product development, while interpretivist goal is of understanding, this would be most useful when analyzing behavior toward products already on the market. . What is the difference between an enacted norm and a crescive norm? Identify the set of crescive norms operating when a man and a woman in your culture go out for dinner on a first date. What would they wear? An enacted norm are explicitly decided upon while crescive norms are embedded in a culture and are only discovered through interaction with other members’ of the culture. When a young man and woman go out on a first date, if they are both from the same culture then they are following crescive norms, because they are both following the norms which are accepted within their given culture. If they are both from completely different cultures, then they would be operating on enacted norms. What they would wear would be determined based upon what is accepted in their culture as appropriate wear for the occasion. 3. Read the Article â€Å" Body Ritual Among the Nacirema†and discuss what is going on.
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