Friday, December 27, 2019
How Important Was the Crown in Maintaining the Political...
How important was the crown in maintaining the Political stability of Tudor England? Tudor England was time of rebellion and turmoil. The head of Tudor England ,the monarch,was responsible for keeping his or her country running well. The crown was the sublime leader he or she ran the government and parliament and therefore he or she were responsible for maintaining political stability during this period. Tudor society was the epicentre of Tudor politics. The power of your words within the political world depended on your rank in the society. Higher ranks had their say whilst low ranking people of the society did what the higher ranked noblemen and earls said. The highest ranks were governed by the Monarch. Henry VII ordered†¦show more content†¦Across the countryside of South East England he constructed 55 palaces and employed Holbein a German artist to create imposing and powerfully striking portraits of himself. These powerful portraits were also imposed on coinage. Coins in Henry VIIIs reign showed Henry wearing his imperial crown. In Edward IVs reign,eve n though he was a mere child,he was depicted wearing full battle armour on royal coins. Coinage was vitally important in maintaining political stability. For the majority of the Tudor population the portraits stamped on to their coins were the only visual image they had of the monarch. If the coins showed a powerful and wealthy portrait of the ruling monarch then this is what the laity would presume the monarch was,therefore this was an effective way of keeping political support of the common people. Even though coins gave the laity an idea of what the monarch looked like,it was still as equally important for the monarch to show himself in person to his subjects. During summer months it was not unusual for the whole court to regularly move from place to place on progress. These processions gave a chance for the laity to to have a glance at the royal person and also gave the monarch a chance to entertain and impress local gentry who did not have access to the royal court in London. Even though these processions were used to gain support from all over England in truth they were mainly confinedShow MoreRelatedIn the context of the years 1485 to 1603 to what extent was the government of England dysfunctional in the mid-Tudor period?3559 Words  | 15 Pagescontext of the years 1485 to 1603 to what extent was the government of England dysfunctional in the mid-Tudor period? During the Tudor Dynasty it is easily thought that the years between 1547 and 1558 were ones of crisis. With the succession of a child and the first woman within England, people have assumed that the years between Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were an unproductive interlude. The mid Tudor period is seen as negative years within the Tudor Dynasty. 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Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Robbins, Stephen P. Organizational behavior / Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge.  15th ed. p. cm. Includes
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay about Atomism Democritus And Epicurus - 1299 Words
Atomism: Democritus and Epicurus nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the Atomists, we see pluralism taken as far as it could possibly go. We see Democritus and Epicurus divide all the world, as well as the universe, into two categories; atoms and empty space. Everything else is merely thought to exist. The atoms are eternal, infinite in size and number and they are moving through the empty space. There is no motion without empty space. Both Democritus and Epicurus agreed that motion was impossible in a plenum, but it is here that their theories diverge. In the cause of the motion, we begin to see a variety of opinions. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Both Democritus and Epicurus agreed that the â€Å"qualitative world of sense†¦show more content†¦Since an objects natural state seemed to be rest, Epicurus decided that it was not motion, but lack thereof, that is in a things true nature. Therefore it is motion which requires an explanation (Jones 85). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Since it is agreed that the atoms must collide in order to form â€Å"objects†that possess different qualities, the frequency of these collisions must be infinitely large. How else can one account for the variety of objects recognized as â€Å"normal†? The space in which the atoms are traveling is large beyond our every conception of size, and the atoms are small on the very same scale. The probability of even two of these atoms colliding while they fall through the void is minute, if not non-existent. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Epicurus attempts to explain these collisions with his â€Å"swerve†theory. In this, he holds there is an arbitrary, imperceptible swerve in the straight â€Å" falling†path of the atoms. Rather than contribute the collisions to the nature of the atoms themselves, he is attempting to account for the frequency of collisions, and in effect increase the probability of two atoms colliding in infinite space. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are many problems with this postulation. In effect, it is no better an argument than Democritus nature theory. If we begin to assume that events simply â€Å"happen†arbitrarily, we do not gain any deeper insightShow MoreRelatedPhilosophy And Science Of The Same Breath2132 Words  | 9 PagesThe philosophers Leucippus and Democritus are constantly mentioned in the same breath. Since the bulk of their works did not survive the middle ages, we have only fragments and the writings of their peers and successors to tell us about their accomplishments and ideas. It is difficult to separate these two men because they are praised or critiqued as a unit by contemporaries and followers, but their exact relationship is unclear. Sources such as Diogenes Laertius do not link them as teacher and studentRead MoreEssay about The History of Chemistry and Technology883 Words  | 4 Pagescombination. Greek atomism dates back to 440 BC, arising in works by philosophers such as Democritus and Epicurus. Unlike modern concepts of science, Greek atomism was basically just the philosophical in nature, with little concern for empirical observations and no concern for chemical experiments. In 1700 BC with the scenario of King Hammurabis reign over Babylon there where several metals recored found at the site. In 430 BC Democritus of ancient Greece and man named Democritus proclaimed the atomRead MoreEpicurus And Epicureanism ( Pghc11181 )2053 Words  | 9 PagesB099785 Epicurus and Epicureanism (PGHC11181) Epicurus on the Gods: Realism or Idealism? Conflict between two interpretative parties. It is commonly accepted that in antiquity people always believed in gods regardless of their stature. Taking into consideration the different periods of history, there have been observed cases of incredulity and skepticism as far as the existence of Gods was concerned. The disbelief over gods and generally divergences on the traditional way of treating gods developedRead MoreThe School of Athens2478 Words  | 10 PagesThe style is so careless that the syntactical relations of the words are often hard to perceive; and the thoughts are profound, and Lucretius attacks him on the ground From his gloomy view of life he is often called the Weeping Philosopher, as Democritus is known as the Laughing Philosopher. It is above all in dealing with Heraclitus that we are made to feel the importance of personality in shaping systems of philosophy. He is likened to Michelangelo because Michelangelo showed personality andRead MoreEssay The School of Athens2445 Words  | 10 Pagesis so ca reless that the syntactical relations of the words are often hard to perceive; and the thoughts are profound, and Lucretius attacks him on the ground From his gloomy view of life he is often called quot;the Weeping Philosopher,quot; as Democritus is known as quot;the Laughing Philosopher.quot; It is above all in dealing with Heraclitus that we are made to feel the importance of personality in shaping systems of philosophy. He is likened to Michelangelo because Michelangelo showed personality
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Advanced Corporate Finance Goldman Sachs
Question: Identify and substantiate a conflict of interest in corporate finance (either a generic problem or through one relevant case study) and suggest solutions to address the issues it entails? Answer: Introduction In the modern business scenario, the major cause of concern for the business organizations is regarding the issue of conflict of interest with the management and the respective stakeholders in an effective manner. This conflict of interest generally arises with several issues of the investors and respective issues of the organization (Elali and Trainor, 2009). In addition to this, conflict of interest may arise due to the ineffective nature of information in an effective manner. This assignment deals with the case study of the organization Goldman Sachs and its issues of conflict of interest with the organization and its respective stakeholders. Conflict of interest in Goldman Sachs and its issues The organization Goldman Sachs has faced a major issue regarding their corporate decision of sub-prime securities. The organization purchased multiple amounts of housing securities from the financial market. All the given subprime products were turned into mortgage backed securities. They were hedging the total amount of mortgage funds and at the same time the investors purchased those securities. The investors of the organization purchased those funds and went into losses. This was mainly due to the lack of communication of information to the respective investors in an effective manner. In addition to this, it can be deduced that the issue of conflict of interests arise in the given case as the management of the organization did not release any information to the public at large. Another major issue for the organization is regarding with the partnership with the hedge fund organization Paulson and Company. This organization took a short position with the respective mortgages product . This is the reason why the stocks of the organization dropped down below 13 percent. This was a possible blow for the investors as they suffer losses effectively. This was a conflicting interest on behalf of the management and the investors of the organization (, 2015) It has been seen that in case of financial markets, the issue of conflict of interest arise due to the excessive rate of competition and similar kind of products in the respective market. Subprime products and different kinds of mortgage products are easily available in the market. Therefore, it is extremely easy for the investors if they go in favour of buying those hedge products from the financial securities market. In addition to this, it can be considered as an unethical behaviour on behalf of the management. It can be only opined that investment bankers Goldman Sachs successfully avoided several losses in the possible subprime crisis. However, it can be inferred that it is great unethical act of judgement on behalf of the organization to hedge against the funds of their respective investors. It can be only deduced the product of the housing mortgage funds can be considered as extremely new in the current market. However, it was extremely unethical on the part of Goldman Sachs t o force and motivate their investors to buy those product against the given market portfolio in the respective market. In addition to this, the market portfolio of Abacus suffered the most in the US financial crisis. Such portfolio was backed by Goldman Sachs due to the household mortgage that was created in the market. The action of such hosing mortgage was settled by Security exchange market commission by suiting a file against the organization Goldman Sachs $550 billion. In addition to this, it can be deduced that the organization marketed this subprime product for their benefit. This was the major issue of conflict of interest between the stakeholders and the management of the organization (Helbaek et al. 2010). Another possible issue of that the organization Goldman Sachs is regarding flow of data and information. The organization also misleads its respective stakeholders regarding all the information of the subprime products. Goldman Sachs implemented the process of asymmetric information to induce their investors and stakeholders to buy the respective mortgage loan products. Another possible issue that can be a cause of concern is regarding the growing scale of economies of the respective financial markets. This can also be considered as a moral hazard on behalf of the respective organization (Helbk,et al. 2010). Possible solutions to address the issues of the organization There are several possible solutions that can be recommended to the respected organization Goldman Sachs. In the first case, the organization is required to implement the process of press release to the respective stakeholders about all the possible operational activities of the organization. In addition to this, it can be also inferred that if the organization Goldman Sachs could have carried all its ethical activities in an effective manner, then, the possible issue related to the hedge funds activities could have been avoided. It is the part of ethical behaviour of the organization to inform their stakeholders about all the possible activities in an ethical manner. In addition to this, the organization must not use the process of asymmetric information to inform their respective stakeholders. The organization Goldman Sachs also requires tightening the process of their conflict of interest with their respective shareholders and investors. The organization must not provide any misleading information to the respective stakeholders and investors about the possible hedge funds. Apart from this, it can be deduced that that the organization is not required tying up their business activities with any hedge fund organization like Paulson and Company. This is mainly because the funding structure of the organization will get diversified due to the respective structure of funding of market portfolio. In addition to this, it can be deduced that the organization is required to implement all the rules and regulations of ethical codes and standards in order to minimize the variances of conflict of interest (Ramirez, 2007) If all the ethical codes, rules and regulations are applied in a systematic manner, then, all the information can be passed to the respective stakeholders in a systematic manner. On the other hand, the organization is required to measure and monitor all the business activities in an effective manner. If addition to this, it can be deduced that the management of Goldman Sachs needs to evaluate short term and long term business goals in terms of the respective hedge funds. However, in addition to this, the organization is required to built a trust or bonding among its respective stakeholders. If an effective trust and bonding is implemented by the organization, then, then the confidence of the stakeholders will increase and conflict of interest of the respective stakeholders can be minimized. On the contrary, if the organization fails to implement any supplementary process of codes and ethics within their system, then, the overall system will fail and several issues regarding conflict of interest will arise in an ethical manner. However, it is important for the business organization Goldman Sachs to address all the respective conflicts among their internal and external business environment (Ross, Westerfield and Jaffe, 2002). On the other hand, the organization is required to amend all the rules and regulations regarding their work ethics. All the regulations are also required to comply with the respective rules and regulations. With the help of this, then organization Goldman Sachs may avoid all conflicting issues with the required investors. In addition to this, the management of the organization may also restructure their organizational management system to navigate the issues of conflicts within their respective management. Conclusion From the above case study, it can be deduced that the issue of conflict of interest can be a case of concern for every business organizations like Goldman Sachs. The organization performed an unethical behaviour and was penalised for it. This is mainly because for the process of passing wrong information. Several recommendations has been suggested to the organization to minimize these problems. References Elali, W. and Trainor, T. (2009). Advanced corporate finance. Toronto: Pearson Addison Wesley. Helbak, M., Lindest, S. and McLellan, B. (2010). Corporate finance. New York: McGraw-Hill. Hillier, D. (2010). Corporate finance. London: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Mitchell, L., Cunningham, L. and Solomon, L. (1996). Corporate finance and governance. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press. Ogden, J., Jen, F. and O'Connor, P. (2003). Advanced corporate finance. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Ramirez, J. (2007). Accounting for derivatives. Chichester: John Wiley Sons. Ross, S., Westerfield, R. and Jaffe, J. (2002). Corporate finance. Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Ross, S., Westerfield, R. and Jaffe, J. (2010). Corporate finance. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin., (2015). Press Release: Goldman Sachs to Pay Record $550 Million to Settle SEC Charges Related to Subprime Mortgage CDO; 2010-123; Jul. 15, 2010. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Jun. 2015]. Wood, S. and Mador, J. (2013). Uncapping Conflict of Interest?. Science, 340(6137), pp.1172-1173.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Understanding Alex Through Music free essay sample
This paper is a character analysis of the main character in the novel A Clockwork Orange This paper is a character examination of the protagonist Alex, from the novel A Clockwork Orange. It specifically deals with the role that music plays in this character?s life. It shows how Alex develops a need for control over himself and over his friends as well and how he finds it through music. From the paper: In the dystopian future that Anthony Burgess creates in the novel A Clockwork Orange, our protagonist, Alex, shares with us his passion for violence. Alex finds an aesthetic quality in the physical torture and rape of faceless victims. Alex has other passions as well. As a child of the new ultra-violent generation, chaos is ever present in this young droog?s life. Because of this, Alex develops a need for control over himself and over his friends as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Alex Through Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is through music that Alex finds this control and it is through music that we learn the most about his character.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Peyton Place Essays (942 words) - Fiction, Literature, Film
Peyton Place In 1956, a woman from middle class Manchester, New Hampshire wrote a book that shocked the nation. At 32 years old, Grace Metalious wrote the blockbuster novel Peyton Place. It transformed the publishing industry and made the author one of the most talked about people in the nation. Metalious wrote about incest, abortion, sex, rape, adultery, repression, lust, and the secrets of small town New England, things that were never discussed before in conservative America. She interpreted incest, wife beating, and poverty as social failures instead of individual flops. When Metalious published Peyton Place, the country was in the grasp of a new wave of sexual panic. The book turned the "private" into the "political." The avant-garde disturbed the country and critics called the book "wicked," "sordid," and "cheap." Canada declared it indecent and made the importation of the book illegal. Parts of Rhode Island, Indiana, and Nebraska followed suit arguing that the book would corrupt young mind s. Wealthy communities banished Peyton Place. To read Peyton Place was to read it in secret and were sometimes discussed only among the closest of friends. Everyone was reading it - college and high school students, college graduates, mothers, wives, and even husbands and fathers. In 1956, a sexual act such as sodomy, oral sex, and intercourse with another married person in most states was illegal. Also, abortion was illegal, and birth control was unreliable and in many cases, difficult to find. To many critics, Metalious' book was not scandalous because of its case in point, but because of the sexual pleasures that were received and given by the female characters. Peyton Place begins with Indian summer in 1939. It takes place in a very descriptive, postcardesque New England town. The main story focuses on three women characters and their underlying search for their identities as sexual women in small town America. Allison Mackenzie is the bastard daughter of Constance Mackenzie who had an affair with a married man. She illegally changed Allison's birth certificate and lied to the Peyton Place locals that her husband died. Connie didn't want any of the town folk to find out the truth that the father of her child was a married man because she would become the town gossip of ridicule. She kept this secret to herself, and only to herself until an argument between her and Allison occurred when Connie thought Allison was having sex with one of her friends, and so she lashed out the truth to Allison. As a child, Allison was always teased about being childish, and not interested in boys, and always into books. But as she grew up she was full of confli cting sexual emotions, and after graduating high school, she left Peyton Place to pursue a writing career in New York. Connie Mackenzie, to her neighbors, was a beautiful, young, widow that owned her own thrift store. Many eligible bachelors Everyone had a desire for her and wished to have her, until Thomas Makris, a teacher from New York City arrives into town to take the job of headmaster at the Peyton Place grade school. Thomas pursues Connie and terrified that he knows her secret, she avoids him. He shows up at her house one night and persuades her to a date, which leads to him raping her. They stay together and end up in marriage. As the third main female character, Selena Cross is probably the most significant. She was the same age as Allison. She lived in a shack with her little brother Joey, deranged mother and alcoholic stepfather, Lucas Cross. She lived an abusive life with Lucas drinking, beating her mother, beating her, and sexually violating her. He gets Selena pregnant and she secretly gets an illegal abortion from the town doctor, who forces Lucas to disappear from Peyton Place and never come back or everyone will know what he did to his daughter. Selena works at Connie's store and becomes manager when her mother, stricken with cancer, commits suicide. In 1944, during a snowstorm, Lucas Cross, now part of the U.S. Navy, shows up at Selena's house drunk and coming on to her. One thing leads to another and she kills him, and her and
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Computer essays
The Computer essays The article that I found to write about is on a computer that came out in the year 1982. The Computer Company is trying to sell the computer to schools for the use of the children. It describes how it is a 16-student station and its a complete classroom system for any school. It then goes on to say how it has a double density disk drives with 306,000 character storage, typewriter-style keyboard and a 12 upper and lower case display on the screen. It also talks about how it is every computer that a student needs and also that a teacher can use on there own. The way they try getting you to purchase the computer is saying how it has all of these extra features any normal classroom needs to have back in those days. They try getting you to purchase the computer by advertising that school starts in three months and that you need to buy these as computer systems as soon as possible before they sell out of them. They also add a lot of extra items if you are purchasing these for your s chool such as system that lets the teacher control and monitor everything that goes on the computers and what is being done on them. Also they give you a software program specially designed to accommodate teachers and pupils in learning more about the computer and what they are able to do. I think the main catch they are trying to get you with is how it will solve and create all your educational problems if you purchase this system. Its a very catchy advertisement I think in my opinion. They start out by letting you ponder their first statement of next year...its in 3 months. That would make me think as a superintendent of a school district that I would need to get these computers fast for my school before every other school buys them and have the latest technology in computer systems in my school district. It tries telling you that if you dont have this computer system in your school that you will be behi...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A detailed analysis of the tactile sensory system examining the Essay
A detailed analysis of the tactile sensory system examining the neurosceince, praxis and sensory modulation in relation to Autism - Essay Example ASD, Autism spectrum disorders are enduring neurodevelopmental disorders described as impairments in these three areas of functioning: communication abilities; restricted, stereotyped or repetitive behaviour patterns; and social behavior. Most researchers concur that autism is originated by either abnormal organization within the central nervous system, irregular brain structure, or both. Due to the variation of symptoms, the wide variety in their severity and the functional deficits’ continuum, the term ASDs is now being utilized to report the disparity observed in these children (Wing, 1997). Although there had been several theoretical evidence regarding the causes of autism, nowadays, more specific knowledge is available for the neurological and genetic abnormalities that exist. It’s been proposed that a surplus of axons in particular regions of brain results in an over-connection of these regions. Yet, their connections to other regions of the brain seem to be fragile (Herbert, 2005). It seems to be a need of coordination among these areas of brain. This lack of synchronization seems to affect brain functioning. People with ASDs have trouble conveying dissimilar cognitive functions mutually in an organized way. They suffer from difficulties in organization and planning (Prior & Hoffman, 1990). Synchronizing volition with sensation and movement can be complicated for some. In autism every part of the brain appears to perform on its own (Just et al., 2004) thus lacking a coordination of information. The information related to the environment is interpreted through sensory systems. It can be explained as a process within the brain which arranges sensory experiences – sound (taste), touch, gravitational pull, body awareness, movement and sight – into collective information which is then utilized by the individuals in reacting to and learning about
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