Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Computer essays

The Computer essays The article that I found to write about is on a computer that came out in the year 1982. The Computer Company is trying to sell the computer to schools for the use of the children. It describes how it is a 16-student station and its a complete classroom system for any school. It then goes on to say how it has a double density disk drives with 306,000 character storage, typewriter-style keyboard and a 12 upper and lower case display on the screen. It also talks about how it is every computer that a student needs and also that a teacher can use on there own. The way they try getting you to purchase the computer is saying how it has all of these extra features any normal classroom needs to have back in those days. They try getting you to purchase the computer by advertising that school starts in three months and that you need to buy these as computer systems as soon as possible before they sell out of them. They also add a lot of extra items if you are purchasing these for your s chool such as system that lets the teacher control and monitor everything that goes on the computers and what is being done on them. Also they give you a software program specially designed to accommodate teachers and pupils in learning more about the computer and what they are able to do. I think the main catch they are trying to get you with is how it will solve and create all your educational problems if you purchase this system. Its a very catchy advertisement I think in my opinion. They start out by letting you ponder their first statement of next year...its in 3 months. That would make me think as a superintendent of a school district that I would need to get these computers fast for my school before every other school buys them and have the latest technology in computer systems in my school district. It tries telling you that if you dont have this computer system in your school that you will be behi...

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